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  • in reply to: Bigger Arms in Six Weeks (Feb 2019) #9383

      26 Feb

      Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 95kg
      Pullups – 8,7,7 x 10kg
      UH BB Rows – 3 x 6 x 75kg
      Zottman Curls – 3 x 7 x 15kg
      Bench Dips – 3 x 10 x 40kg
      Rear Delt Raise – 2 x 12 x 2.5kg
      Incline DB Curls – 11,9,7 x 12.5kg
      Decline Skull Crushers – 3 x 11 x 31kg
      BB Wrist Flexion – 20,20,15 x 20kg
      DB Wrist Flexion – 20,20,15 x 4.5kg
      Leg Raises – 3 x 12

      Pleased to hit every rep of bench at 95kg.

      1 Mar

      Incline Press – 3 x 8 x 72.5kg
      DB Rows – 7,8,8 x 40kg
      Close Grip Bench Press – 8,8,7 x 80kg
      Reverse EZ Curl – 3 x 7 x 31kg
      Seated OH DB Extension – 11,11,10 x 22.5kg
      DB Preacher Curl – 2 x 10 x 12kg
      Seated DB Hold – 50,40 secs x 20kg

      Grip work is killer, didn’t have much left after this session.

      3 Mar

      Close Grip Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 82.5kg
      Wide EZ Curls – 3 x 6 x 36kg
      EZ Skull Crushers – 3 x 10 x 33.5kg
      DB Hammer Curl – 10,9,8 x 15kg
      1 Arm DB Ext – 10,10,9 x 13.5kg
      DB Preacher Curls – 2 x 10 x 12kg

      I was doing this straight out of bed and wasn’t paying attention, final exercise wa supposed to be concentration curls so I’ll do that twice next week to compensate.

      in reply to: 2019 Training Log #9361

        18 Feb

        ATS – 3 x 4
        Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
        Back Squat – 6,5,5 x 112.5kg (last set with belt)
        RDL – 3 x 6 x 90kg
        DB Reverse Lunge – 3 x 12 x 15kg
        Lateral Lunge – 2 x 12 x 10kg
        SL Calf Raise – 3 x 12 x 10kg
        Hollow Rock – 40,40,30 secs
        Prone Hyper-extension – 3 x 6
        Jump Squats – 150 in 4:33

        ATS is Around The Square, an exercise from Vert Shock. I tweaked my back in the tuck jumps and didn’t want to injure myself in squats so stuck my lifting belt on for the final set. Jump squats aren’t too bad, might put hands on head to make it more aerobically challenging.

        20 Feb

        Fasted Walking – 35 mins

        21 Feb

        Vert Test 52cm/20.5″
        Power Clean – 8 x 1 x 80kg
        Hex DL – 5 x 3 x 125kg
        Hip Thrust – 4 x 8 x 100kg
        Swiss Ball HS Curls – 15,10,13,11

        Bit miffed my vert isn’t higher. Tried hook grip for power cleans, weird but has potential. Hex DL still really easy.

        in reply to: Bigger Arms in Six Weeks (Feb 2019) #9360

          19 Feb

          Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 92.5kg
          Pullups – 8,8,7 x 10kg
          Pendlay Rows – 3 x 6 x 75kg
          Zottman Curls – 3 x 7 x 15kg
          Bench Dips – 10,10,9 x 40kg
          Incline DB Curls – 3 x 11 x 10kg
          Decline Skull Crushers – 12,11,9 x 31kg
          Rear Delt Raise – 2 x 12 x 2.5kg
          BB Wrist Flexion – 20,20,16 x 20kg
          DB Wrist Flexion – 20,20,16 x 4.5kg
          Leg Raises – 3 x 12

          Bench still going strong, every rep done. Made bench dips harder by shortening the recovery because I don’t want to start piling 50-60kg on my lap.

          22 Feb

          Incline Press – 8,8,7 x 72.5kg
          DB Rows – 3 x 7 x 40kg
          Close Grip Bench Press – 8,7,5 x 80kg
          Reverse EZ Curl – 3 x 6 x 31kg
          Seated OH DB Extension – 3 x 12 x 20kg
          DB Preacher Curl – 2 x 10 x 12kg
          Seated DB Hold – 55,45,33 secs x 20kg

          24 Feb

          Close Grip Bench Press – 3 x 8 x 80kg
          Wide EZ Curls – 3 x 6 x 36kg
          EZ Skull Crushers – 3 x 10 x 31kg
          DB Hammer Curl – 10,9,7 x 15kg
          1 Arm DB Ext – 12,12,10 x 12kg
          Concentration Curls – 2 x 10 x 12kg

          Bumped regular curls to 36kg and felt wayyy better, bicep was definitely activating here. Arms are feeling thick now, 16 inches with the pump.

          in reply to: 2019 Training Log #9359

            14 Feb

            Vert Test 52cm/20.5″
            Power Clean – 8 x 1 x 80kg
            Hex DL – 5 x 3 x 120kg
            Hip Thrust – 7,8,8,7 x 100kg
            Swiss Ball HS Curls – 13,12,11,11
            Conditioning (5 mountain climbers, 1 burpee x 25) – 8 mins 45 secs

            I had a 55cm vertical in May last year prior to doing Vert Shock, would like to be jumping higher than that this year (I’m considering another vert program). Switched cleans to singles, allows me more focus on maximising each rep and I used a loose 1 min rest. Having done all those lunges in my leg program I felt like increasing my volume, so instead of 3 sets of DL, Hip thrust and Swiss ball curls I did 5, 4 & 4 sets.

            in reply to: Bigger Arms in Six Weeks (Feb 2019) #9358

              12 Feb

              Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 90kg
              Pullups – 8,7,6 x 10kg
              Pendlay Rows – 3 x 6 x 75kg
              Zottman Curls – 10 x 10kg, 2 x 8 x 12.5kg
              Bench Dips – 3 x 8 x 30kg
              Incline DB Curls – 12,9,8 x 10kg
              Decline Skull Crushers – 3 x 12 x 28.5kg
              Rear Delt Raise – 2 x 12 x 2.5kg
              BB Wrist Flexion – 15,12,10 & 15,9 x 20kg
              DB Wrist Flexion – 15,12,10 & 15,9 x 4.5kg
              Leg Raises – 3 x 12

              My bench is coming back, 90kg was comfortable. Switched to pendlay rows as I prefer them, slowly lowering each rep. I move Incline DB curls to the higher rep exercise as it feels more of a finisher.

              15 Feb

              Incline Press – 8,8,7 x 72.5kg
              DB Rows – 3 x 6 x 40kg
              Close Grip Bench Press – 7,6,6 x 80kg
              Reverse EZ Curl – 3 x 8 x 28.5kg
              Seated OH DB Extension – 3 x 12 x 20kg
              DB Preacher Curl – 2 x 12 x 11kg
              Seated DB Hold – 3 x 40 secs x 20kg

              Close grip still doesn’t hit the tricep as much as I remember them doing a few years ago. Still effective.

              17 Feb

              Close Grip Bench Press – 8,8,7 x 80kg
              Wide EZ Curls – 3 x 8 x 33kg
              DB Skull Crushers – 10,9,8 x 14kg
              DB Hammer Curl – 10,10,9 x 14kg
              1 Arm DB Ext – 3 x 12 x 10kg
              Concentration Curls – 2 x 12 x 10kg

              Was at work so did this at a local Virgin Active, hence the different weights. Good session here, used the cable machines for activating biceps & triceps but stuck to my normal main exercises.

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