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  • in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10155

      11 Nov

      Pseudo Planche Pushups – 18, 10
      Raised Planche Lean – 20, 20 secs
      Intense Raised Lean – 12 x 5 secs
      Tuck Planche – 6, 4 secs
      Prone Leg Raise – 6, 6, 5
      Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs

      Bit of a jumble of exercises, still trying to find my feet with this training. I spent ages mulling over what ab exercises deal with my current weakness and the closest I could come to was the hollow body position of hollow rocks. I’ll do them every session until I’m strong enough.

      13 Nov

      Pseudo Planche Pushups – 15, 10
      Raised Planche Lean – 20,20,20,20,12 secs
      Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs
      Dying Roach – 2 x 40 secs

      Dying roach is another ab exercise, I picked it off an ab circuit video and it’s a killer.

      16 Nov

      Pseudo Planche Pushups – 13
      Tuck Planche – 5,9,10,10,5,4,4,7,7,3
      Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs
      Dying Roach – 2 x 40 secs

      Here’s the Hollow Rock ab exercise

      in reply to: Jump Science 2.0 (October 2019) #10154

        10 Nov

        Depth Drop – 5 x 5 x 60cm
        Tuck Jumps – 5 x 10
        Rhythm Jumps – 3 x 10
        OH Squat – 2 x 5 x 20kg, 2 x 5 x 30kg
        Hex DL – 100,110,130,140,145,145,150,150,155kg

        Nine total reps, if I’d done 120 I wouldn’t be any more tired.

        12 Nov

        Single Leg Vert – 3 x 5
        Depth Jump – 5 x 5 x 45cm
        Broad Jumps – 5 x 5 (11.75 to 12.05m)

        Similar distances to last week, depth jump didn’t feel as good.

        14 Nov

        CMJ – 56,57,56,57,57cm
        2 Step Approach – 5 x 1
        Full Approach 2 foot – 11 x 1
        Full Approach 1 foot – 5 x 1 per leg
        OH squat – 4 x 5 x 30kg
        Box Squats – 5 x 80,100,100kg, 2 x 115,125,125kg

        Jumps felt crummy today, single leg was a joke. I was trying to focus on technique and ignore my lack of height, I guess in previous programs I would only do jumps at the court to test my improvements i.e. when I’m peaking and really fresh. It was a little demoralising but I’m fully aware I deadlifted for heavy singles 4 days ago.

        Week 7 is a REST!! I will do some stretching, big focus on hamstrings as it was noticeable when I did my flexibility routine that I could jump higher.

        I’ll leave you with a single at 150kg, exactly twice my bodyweight.

        in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10153

          4 Nov


          I rested on the Monday. My arms are feeling slightly fatigued and my elbows are a little troublesome. I’ve done 12 sessions in a row and it feels like a good time to recover further.

          6 Nov

          Pseudo Planche Pushups – 12
          Advanced Frog stand, Floating Knee – 4,3,8,5,6 secs
          Tuck Planche w Toes – 8,18,13,14,16 secs
          Hanging Knee Raise – 11
          Hanging Leg Raise – 8,8,6

          I picked up the pseudo pushup off an Insta comment and I like them, will do more sets in future. I tried what I felt was an intimidating variation, doing the advanced frog stand but only one knee is in contact with the back of the arm, the other “floats” i.e. it’s held in the tuck position. This was harder on one side and highlighted a weakness in my core. Tuck planche was along the same lines as how I learned the advanced frog stand, getting to the balance point and holding it just before I lift the toes. I finished with abs and went for the harder version of straight legs being raised to waist height.

          8 Nov

          Pseudo Planche Pushups – 14
          Tuck Planche w Toes – 15, 16, 20, 15, 13 secs
          Advanced Frog stand, Floating Knee – 7, 8, 6, 5 secs
          Tuck Planche – 5,5,6,6,7,7,7,7 secs
          V-Sits – 18,18,18,14

          Better structure, starting with what should be 5 x 20 secs of a move. The floating knee was no easier and if anything I felt it would be no tougher than holding both legs, so I switched to the full tuck planche. I did these off mini bars, getting more of a lean than last time. This time my shoulders were giving way and abs were better. Finished with V-Sits for the abs.

          This is far more disjointed than training for the frog stand and so I spent the evening watching YouTube tutorials. I found Artem Morozov who immediately highlighted the difference between a good tuck (higher legs, more angle) and a bad one (basically what I’m doing). Both are technically a tuck, but the good one sets you up much better for full planche. He said that the standard progression model of Tuck –> Adv Tuck –> Straddle –> Full, doesn’t work as they’re essentially different skills, and to focus on posterior pelvic tilt.

          Another video with a pro gymnast spoke of strengthening the core in the extended leg position, otherwise all this time doing tucks isn’t helping because those muscles aren’t getting trained. That’s why I’ve been setting time aside to do abs each session, but I don’t feel many have a good carry over to the full planche. He demo’ed a kind of reverse hyper and that’s something I’ll try to replicate, either bent legged off a gym bench or a work bench I have in the garage. He said planche leans with feet on a swiss ball were good as the ball moves and offers a stability challenge, so lots to think about. Finally I want to copy what I tried for learning the human flag, and prop my feet up with a resistance band to see what a supported full planche might feel like.

          This is my tuck planche off mini bars, I hadn’t watched the tutorial so next time I’ll try to bring the knees higher and Artem seemed to have his shins parallel to the ground. Annoyed I have to wait until Monday to train as this is all exciting stuff to implement.

          in reply to: Jump Science 2.0 (October 2019) #10152

            3 Nov

            Depth Drop – 5 x 5 x 60cm
            Tuck Jumps – 5 x 10
            Rhythm Jumps – 3 x 10
            OH Squat – 4 x 5 x 30kg
            Hex DL – 110,120,130,130,135,140, 3 x 1 x 147.5kg

            Got a bit cocky with OH squats and started at 30kg, tweaking my back slightly when I lost balance. That meant DL was a bit risky and I was belted for 3-4 of the heavier reps and stopped at 9 singles.

            5 Nov

            Single Leg Vert – 3 x 5
            Depth Jump – 5 x 5 x 45cm
            Broad Jumps – 5 x 5 (11.45 to 12.30m)

            Shorter contact time for depth jumps, those felt fantastic. Broad jumps felt roughly the same yet I was jumping 50-60cm more than last week. It’s the first time I’ve felt genuinely optimistic during this program.

            7 Nov

            CMJ – 56,57,59,59,57cm
            2 Step Approach – 5 x 1
            Full Approach 2 foot – 11 x 1
            Full Approach 1 foot – 5 x 1 per leg
            OH squat – 5 x 20, 30, 40, 40kg
            Box Squats – 3 x 90kg, 5 x 3 x 110kg

            Nice session, my CMJ hasn’t budged from week 1 until now and I didn’t even catch any perfectly, managing 59cm twice. That carried over to my running vert which felt an inch or so closer to the rim. It’s hard to measure precisely but I’m pretty sure my approaches off my non-dominant leg actually get higher (I’m left footed, so big step with left then final step with right was the better side).

            I’ve been pigging out yet still hover around 73kg, I think my body wants to drop to 72kg so I’m going to let it over the next few weeks and hopefully I only shed fat.

            Here are my broad jumps, done on a slight incline on the road outside my back gate.

            in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10151

              28 Oct

              Narrow Pushups – 15
              Advanced Frog Stand – 13, 12, 26, 23, 30 secs (104 total)
              Supported Tuck Planche – 10 secs, 8 secs
              L-Sit – 20 secs
              Straddle Sit – 15, 18, 10 secs

              Knew I could nail a 30 second hold and got it eventually.

              30 Oct

              Narrow Pushups – 15
              Straddle Plank Lean w Alt Foot Raise – 3 x 20 secs
              Straddle Plank Lean w Alt Knee Tuck – 2 x 20 secs
              Tuck Planche w SL Support – 2 x 20 secs
              Straddle Sit – 4 x 15 secs

              I went through a few of the progressions on my way to a tuck planche, starting with a straddle plank lean and raising one foot for 5 secs then changing feet. Did the same but brought the leg in to a tucked knee. Both of these were easy enough that I felt I needed to focus on something else if I’m going to strengthen my position.

              1 Nov

              Narrow Pushups – 20
              Straddle Plank Lean w Alt Knee Tuck – 20 secs
              Straddle Plank Lean to Tuck Planche – 5,5,4
              Tuck Planche w SL Support – 20 secs
              Tuck Planche – 5,3,4,5,5,5,6,6 secs (39 total)
              Stir The Pot – 4 x 30 secs

              I tried bringing in both knees from the straddle into a tuck and that felt quite nice, and I could only hold for 2 secs so I counted those as “reps” of that motion. I tried tuck planche and can hold 5-6 secs but it doesn’t feel right, and feedback on Insta was that I should try more of an arm lean, which I’ll need anyway to get to a full planche. Finished with stir the pot on a swiss ball.

              Here’s my (brief) tuck planche:

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