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  • in reply to: 2015 Training Log #9300

      3 May

      Power Clean 3 x 6 x 70kg
      RDL 3 x 10 x 70kg
      Back Squat 3 x 10 x 90kg
      Pull-ups 4 x 7
      Single Arm Machine Row 4 x 8 x 25kg
      Bench Press 4 x 4 x 90kg
      Ab Ripper X

      4 May

      Tempo Runs (grass)

      3 x 4 x 100m (1 min btw reps, 3 mins btw sets)

      15.6, 13.9, 15.2, 14.3 (avg 14.8)
      14.6, 15.0, 14.7, 15.6 (avg 15.0)
      14.2, 16.0, 14.6, 14.2 (avg 14.8)

      Body-weight of 76.5kg (169lbs), think I was trying to get back in shape.

      8 May

      Power Clean 3 x 4 x 80kg
      Back Squat 4 x 4 x 115kg
      Jumping Lunge 3 x 6 x 40kg
      Multi-Directional Lunge 3 x 12 (per leg) x 20kg
      Deadlift 10, 10, 10, 8 x 110kg (2 mins)

      20 mins on the floor regretting not putting a leg finisher last

      Bench Press 10, 10, 7 x 80kg
      Bent Over Row 4 x 10 x 50kg – easy
      OHP 1 x 8 x 40kg
      Lat Pulldown (neutral grip) 4 x 10 x 50kg

      10 May

      BW 76.3kg (168lbs)

      Tempo Runs (grass)

      3 x 4 x 100m (1 min btw reps, 3 mins btw sets)

      14.1, 15.6, 14.6, 15.1 (avg 14.9)
      13.9, 15.4, 14.7, 15.2 (avg 14.8)
      14.3, 15.6, 14.6, 13.9 (avg 14.6)

      Brandon Carter Abdominal Assault (one of the versions, with ‘dying roach’)

      3 rounds, (with rest, with planks and with mountain climbers)

      12 May

      Power Clean 3 x 6 x 70kg
      RDL 4 x 8 x 75kg
      Back Squat 4 x 8 x 95kg
      Side Step Squat 3 x 8 x 37kg (80lb fixed bar)
      Bench Press 4 x 4 x 95kg
      T-Bar Row 3 x 8 x 45kg, 1 x 8 x 50kg
      DB OHP 4 x 8 x 20kg
      Pullups 4 x 7

      15 May

      BW 75.9kg (167lbs)

      Tempo Runs (grass)

      6 x 2 x 100m (30 sec btw reps, 2 mins btw sets)

      14.4 & 15.7, 14.6 & 15.2
      14.2 & 15.0, 14.4 & 15.3
      14.3 & 15.2, 14.3 & 15.5

      18 May

      Bench Press 4 x 8 x 80kg
      Power Clean 3 x 4 x 80kg
      Back Squat 4 x 4 x 115kg
      Jumping Lunge 3 x 6 x 40kg – much better power on these
      Multi-Directional Lunge 3 x 12 (per leg) x 20kg
      Bent Over Row 2 x 8 x 60kg, 2 x 8 x 65kg
      OHP 3 x 8 x 40kg, 1 x 7 x 40kg
      Deadlift 4 x 8 x 110kg (2 mins)
      Lat Pulldown (neutral grip) 3 x 8 x 105lbs, 8 x 120lbs
      Brandon Carter Ab Assault – 3 rounds, 9 x 20 sec exercises, 8 x 20 sec front plank, 8 x 20 sec mountain climber

      19 May

      Burpees 12 x 10 (1 min rest)

      26 May

      BW 75.2kg (166 lbs)

      Speed session (grass)

      31 yard sprint (1 min rest) – 4.0, 4.1, 4.1, 3.9, 3.9
      62 yard sprint (2 min rest) – 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.4, 7.3

      in reply to: 2015 Training Log #9299

        1 Apr

        OHP 1 x 40kg, 1 x 60kg, 1 x 70kg
        Exercise Bike – 25km in 44:50 with resistance 3/7
        SL Calf Raises 2 x 10

        5 Apr

        Bench 8 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 3 x 90kg, 1 x 100kg, 0 x 115kg, 1 x 110kg
        Pullups 5 x 6

        9 Apr

        Power Clean 2 x 4 x 80kg
        Deadlift 3 x 100kg, 1 x 120kg, 1 x 130kg, 1 x 140kg (belt for 140kg+), 1 x 150kg, 1 x 160kg, 1 x 170kg, 1 x 180kg
        Bench Press 4 x 4 x 95kg
        Lat Pulldown 10 x 50, 60, 60, 50kg

        180kg deadlift was scrappy but 170kg went up smoothly.

        13 Apr

        Power Clean 3 x 10 x 65kg
        RDL 3 x 10 x 70kg
        Back Squat 3 x 100kg, 7, 8, 6 x 80kg
        Bench Press 4 x 4 x 95kg
        Machine Row 4 x 8 x 25kg
        DB OHP 3 x 8 x 22.5kg, 1 x 5 x 22.5kg + 3 reps alternate
        Pullups 4 x 7

        18 Apr

        Bench Press 4 x 8 x 70kg
        Alt DB Curl 3 x 8 x 12.5kg

        22 Apr

        Tempo Runs 108 yds (98.75m) 2 x 5 with 50m jog 50m walk (avg 15.8, 14.5)

        27 Apr

        Tempo Runs (grass)

        3 x 4 x 100m (50m jog, 50m walk recovery)

        15.8, 15.7, 15.6, 15.0 (avg 15.5)
        14.6, 15.0, 15.1, 15.0 (avg 14.9)
        15.0, 15.5, 15.5, 13.5 (avg 14.9)

        BW Walking Lunge 2 x 30

        I had a body-weight of 78.1kg (172lbs) on 27th April. Don’t remember ever being that heavy.

        in reply to: 2015 Training Log #9298

          1 Mar

          OHP 6 x 3 x 62.5kg
          T-Bar Row 5 x 12 x 45kg
          Bench Press 8,8,8,6,6 x 80kg (2 mins)
          Lat Pulldown 6 x 10 x 50kg
          Preacher Curl 5 x 8 x 20kg
          Ab Ripper X

          4 Mar

          Power Clean 2 x 5 x 70kg, 5 x 75kg
          A1 Back Squat 3 x 5 x 110kg
          A2 Borzov Jumps 3 x 5
          RDL 10,9,8,7,6 x 70kg
          Bench Press (30 reps, 30 secs rest) 80kg x 13, 6, 5, 4, 2
          Machine Rows 6 x 10 x 22.5kg
          B1 Pull-ups (30) = 9, 7, 5, 5, 4
          B2 Alternate DB Press (30) 20kg x 10, 8, 7, 5
          Ab Ripper X

          7 Mar

          Power Clean 3 x 5 x 75kg
          A1 Deadlift 3 x 5 x 120kg
          A2 Squat Jumps 2 x 5 (forgot them first set)
          Back Squat 12, 10, 8 x 90kg, 12 x 90kg, 10 x 95kg, 8 x 100kg
          OHP 2 x (6 x 50kg, 5 x 55kg, 4 x 60kg)
          T-Bar Row 5 x 10 x 45kg
          Lat Pulldown 5 x 10 x 50kg
          3 Way Shoulder Raise 12,10,8 x 5kg per hand

          10 Mar

          Power Clean 3 x 5 x 75kg
          Back Squat 3 x 5 x 110kg
          Bench Press 3 x 5 x 90kg
          Bent Over Rows (smith machine) 6 x 10 x 50kg
          Incline DB Press (30 total, 30 secs rest) 25kg x 14, 7, 5, 4
          Deadlift 4 x 10 x 100kg (60 secs)
          Hex Bar Shrugs 6 x 10 x 40kg

          15 Mar

          Power Clean 5 x 75kg, 4 x 80kg, 3 x 85kg, 2 x 90kg, 0 x 95kg
          Back Squat 5 x 110kg, 4 x 115kg, 3 x 120kg, 2 x 125kg, 1 x 130kg
          RDL 4 x 8 x 70kg
          Bench Press 5 x 90kg, 4 x 92.5kg, 3 x 95kg, 2 x 97.5kg, 2 x 100kg
          Machine Row 4 x 10 x 22.5kg
          DB OHP 10 x 25kg, 10 x 22.5kg, 4+4 (alternate) x 22.5kg, 8 (alternate) x 22.5kg
          Pullups 8,7,6,5,4

          19 Mar

          Power Cleans 4 x 4 x 80kg
          A1 Back Squat 4 x 4 x 115kg
          A2 Borzov Jumps 4 x 4
          Deadlift 4 x 10 x 110kg (2 mins)
          Bench Press 4 x 4 x 95kg
          Lat Pulldown 4 x 10 x 50kg
          T-Bar Rows 4 x 10 x 45kg

          24 Mar


          25 Mar

          Press-ups, 50
          Hex Bar DL 3 x 5 x 70kg

          30 Mar

          Exercise Bike – 25km in 52:52 with resistance 3/7
          SL Calf Raises – 10

          in reply to: 2015 Training Log #9297

            1 Feb

            Bench Press 5 x 3 x 92.5kg, 3 x 97.5kg
            Pullups 5 x 6
            Incline DB Bench 2 sets of 3 x 10 x 22.5kg
            Machine Row 6 x 10 x 21.25kg
            Kneeling Cable Crunch 4 x 12 x 70kg
            Tricep Pushdown 6 x 10 x 35kg

            3 Feb

            KB swings, Abductor/Adductor & Glute work to warm up
            Power Clean 2 x 75kg, 2 x 80kg, 2 x 85kg, 2 x 90kg
            Back Squat 4 x 100kg, 4 x 110kg, 4 x 120kg, 2 x 4 x 125kg
            Plyo Jumps 2 x 25 x 2.5kg
            Smith Machine RDL 5 x 8 x 75kg (90 secs)

            5 Feb

            OHP 2 x 3 x 60kg, 3 x 3 x 62.5kg, 3 x 60kg
            T-Bar Row 6 x 10 x 40kg
            Bench Press 5 x 8 x 75kg (2 mins)
            Lat Pulldown 10 x 40kg, 3 x 10 x 50kg, 2 x 10 x 40kg
            Kneeling Cable Crunches 4 x 12 x 70kg
            Cable Curl 6 x 10 x 40kg

            7 Feb

            Rugby Match – 4th XV (Lost ~70-12)

            10 Feb

            Power Clean 2 x 2 x 80kg, 2 x 2 x 85kg
            Deadlift 4 x 4 x 120kg, 4 x 130kg
            Plyo Jumps 2 x 25 x 2.5kg
            Bent Over Rows 5 x 5 x 75kg
            BBB Deadlift 5 x 10 x 80kg

            12 Feb

            Bench Press 6 x 3 x 95kg
            Weighted Pullups 2 x 6 x 5kg, 3 x 5 x 5kg
            Incline DB Press 2 x 3 x 10 x 22.5kg
            Machine Row 6 x 10 x 21.25kg
            Kneeling Cable Crunch 4 x 15 x 70kg
            Tricep Pushdown 5 x 8 x 40kg (90 secs)

            14 Feb

            Power Clean 2 x 75kg, 2 x 80kg, 2 x 85kg, 2 x 90kg
            OHP 6 x 3 x 62.5kg
            Back Squat 5 x 4 x 120kg
            Plyo Jumps 2 x 25 x 2.5kg
            T Bar Rows 3 x 10 x 40kg, 3 x 10 x 45kg, 4 x 55kg
            Smith Machine RDL 5 x 8 x 75kg (90 secs)

            15 Feb

            Bench Press 3 x 8 x 80kg, 7 x 80kg, 5 x 80kg
            Lat Pulldown 6 x 10 x 40kg
            BB Bicep Curl 3 x 10 x 30kg

            17 Feb

            Deadlift (deload) 3 x 5 x 70kg
            Bench Press (deload) 3 x 5 x 60kg
            Exercise Bike 12 mins
            Treadmill 12 mins

            18 Feb

            Exercise Bike – 50 mins

            Just plodded along on it, was only there to keep my girlfriend company in the gym.

            19 Feb

            OHP (deload) 3 x 5 x 30kg
            Back Squat (deload) 3 x 5 x 60kg
            Abs 3.5 mins

            21 Feb

            Rugby Match – 5th XV (Won 25-5)

            Scored one try.

            23 Feb

            Power Clean 2 x 75kg, 2 x 80kg, 2 x 85kg
            Deadlift 5 x 4 x 125kg
            Plyo Jumps 2 x 25 x 2.5kg
            Bent Over Rows 5 x 5 x 70kg
            Deadlift 5 x 9 x 90kg (75 secs)

            24 Feb

            Bench Press 2 x 3 x 95kg, 2 x 3 x 100kg, 2 x 3 x 95kg
            Weighted Pullups 6,6,5 x 5kg, 2 x 6 x BW
            Incline DB Press 3 x 10 x 22.5kg, 10,10,7 x 22.5kg
            Machine Row 2 x (2 x 10 x 22.5kg, 1 x 10 x 20kg)
            Tricep Dips 15, 12, 9, 8
            Ab Ripper X – complete

            27 Feb

            Power Clean 2 x 75kg, 2 x 80kg, 2 x 85kg
            Back Squat 5 x 4 x 120kg
            Plyo Jumps 2 x 25 x 2.5kg
            RDL 5 x 8 x 80kg

            in reply to: No Weights, Big Wheels (Dec 2018) #9226

              22 Jan

              Power Clean – 3 x 3 x 75kg
              Back Squat – 6,6,6,4 x 107.5kg
              Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6 x 100kg
              Seated SL Calf Raise – 2 x 15 x 25kg
              Standing SL Calf Raise – 2 x 12 x 10kg
              Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs

              Good session, nice to improve hip thrusts. I pushed it in the 3rd set of squats and had nothing for the final set. Switching up calf raises to hit the soleus using a seated raise.

              23 Jan

              Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 85kg
              Pull ups – 3 x 4 x 15kg
              BB Rows – 3 x 6 x 70kg
              Leg Raises – 3 x 12

              Short and sweet, surprised that having done 3 weeks of 50 pull ups a day I struggled so much with them. I did have a week off but perhaps my body needs longer to fully recover. Making a point of including abs more often now.

              25 Jan

              Walking Lunges – 5 x 100 (3 mins)
              Sissy Squats – 13,14,12,13 (52 total)
              Swiss Ball HS Curls – 14,14,14,14,14,12 (82 total)
              Glute Raises – 14,14,13,14 (55 total)

              Wow. I took a caffeine pill to reduce perceived exertion and also made a metal playlist to get me through the lunges, and it worked well at first. The last few sets were very stop-start, doing 10 at a time and the sets were 5.5 to 7 minutes each. I’ve not been paying attention to whether I beat my totals each week in the other exercises, in fact I know I haven’t, but I give my all and stop when my technique breaks down. I do them with 2 minutes rest as longer seems excessive.

              I’m incredibly relieved to finish this, my legs feel like they’ve built up a lot of training effect and 10-14 days of rest should see the results come out. I have my before photos and measurements, so once I’m fully recovered I’ll do the after ones and post the results on my YT channel.

              Right now it felt like there should have been a middle ground between 50 reps and 300 reps, because going up to 500 reps gave me the impression I was getting diminishing returns and maybe doing 300-400 reps with a small weight would have been a better compromise. If you add up the time I was actively lunging it was around 30 solid minutes, which is crazy. I’m only 72.5kg so perhaps people with BW of 80-90kg would benefit from the greater resistance of the movement and feel like it was doing more for them. I really like the other three exercises though, and will bear them in mind when I’m writing a program for myself, as well as the fact that high rep training is an option and it doesn’t always have to be heavy sets of 3-5 for progress.

            Viewing 5 posts - 431 through 435 (of 563 total)