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  • in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10445

      Preparation – Week 3

      6 Dec

      8 stretches

      9 Dec

      Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
      CMJ – 8 jumps, best of 57cm/22.4″
      DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 8.5kg
      Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
      Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 25 secs

      12 Dec

      Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
      CMJ – 6 jumps, best of 58cm/22.8″
      DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 8.5kg
      Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
      Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

      Good pair of sessions, I didn’t have time for my second stretching session but I feel like I’m coming back to a base level of conditioning and can start progressing from here. I want to do some running jumps next week, add weights to the patrick step up and possibly a third session, then I can start FJT3 on 21st December.

      Here’s one of my Counter-movement jumps, I really like the arm swing as it gets you in a nice rhythm before the jump. I also shook my legs out between reps yesterday and that might have contributed to my extra height.

      in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10444

        Edit: Between Dec and Feb my jumps were off by 1-2cm, these have been corrected.

        Preparation – Week 2

        30 Nov

        7 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard
        Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs

        I’ve moved the soleus stretch with all the others.

        2 Dec

        Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
        CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 54cm/21.25″
        DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 2.5kg
        Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 4
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
        Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

        Much better structure to this workout. I could tell how rusty I was when trying a CMJ so I’m not bothered by the (lack of) height. I retained my strength for nordics quite well which was pleasing.

        4 Dec

        4 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard
        Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs

        I skipped a few as I was short on time.

        5 Dec

        Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
        CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 58cm/22.8″
        DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 5kg
        Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 5
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
        Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 25 secs

        My legs didn’t feel that sore after the last session so I’m going to start adding reps/weight where possible. It feels like I could add in 1-2 more exercises so I’ll have a think about what’s missing. It could be that I go to the courts next week (weather permitting) and see where my running vert is at.

        in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10442

          WEEKS 57-58

          5 Nov

          L-Sit to Tucked Sit to Tuck Planche Pulse – 4 x 3
          Advanced Tuck Planche – 6 x 6 secs
          Raised L-Sit (bench) – 20, 11, 14 secs

          9 Nov

          Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 7kg
          Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
          Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 8
          Handstand practice – 3 x 30 secs
          Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
          Hanging Toes to Bar – 2 x 7

          12 Nov

          Pseudo Waistline Holds – 2 x 4 x 5 secs
          PPPu with feet against the wall – 5,3
          PPPu negatives – 8,8
          Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

          I’m comfortable with the pseudo waistline holds and have revisited Osvaldo Lugones YouTube where he demonstrates the moves that you need to accomplish a Straddle Planche, starting with a 20 second waistline hold. This was a much better workout and I was feeling it for several days afterwards.

          15 Nov

          Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 7kg
          Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
          Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 8

          in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10441

            WEEKS 55-56

            20 Oct

            Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 6.5kg
            Weighted Pull ups – 6,6,6 x 15kg
            Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 8
            Handstand practice – 3 x 30 secs
            Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
            Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 8

            22 Oct

            L-Sit to Tucked Sit to Tuck Planche Pulse – 4 x 3
            Advanced Tuck Planche – 6 x 6 secs
            Raised L-Sit (bench) – 20, 16, 14 secs

            24 Oct

            Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 7kg
            Weighted Pull ups – 6,6,6 x 15kg
            Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 8
            Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
            Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
            Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 8

            Handstands are coming along. I can hold 5+ seconds and I better understand the role my hands play in keeping me balanced.

            29 Oct

            Pseudo Waistline Holds – 5 x 5 secs
            Planche Lean – 26cm, 6 x 6 secs
            Raised L-Sit – 20,20,13 secs

            There’s meant to be 2-3 days between sessions but because that ends up being a 10 day cycle I have no set days, so I forget to do them.

            31 Oct

            Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 7kg
            Weighted Pull ups – 6,6,5 x 15kg
            Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 2 x 8
            Handstand practice – 2 x 30 secs

            Tired and short of time, better than nothing.

            in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10439

              22 Oct

              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
              Speed Skaters – 2 x 15 per side
              180 Squat Jumps – 3 x 10
              Lunge Jumps – 3 x 12

              23 Oct

              Lateral High Jumps – 3 x 20
              Single Leg Box Jumps – 2 x 8
              Seated Jumps – 3 x 8

              25 Oct

              Grass Sprints – 4 x 20m
              Broad Jumps -3 x 15

              26 Oct

              Foam Roll + 11 stretches
              A1 Deadbug Rocker – 3 x 8
              A2 Mini Band Ankle Turn – 3 x 25
              Toe Raises – 3 x 8 x 3 secs
              SL ball of foot turn – 3 x 6

              28 Oct

              Vert Test – 25 jumps, best of 73cm/28.75″

              I managed the same height as last week despite feeling much fresher, which was frustrating. I don’t know if I spent too long ramping up from a 68cm target as I’ve previously found that my first 3-5 jumps are best.

              I want to give it one more attempt so I’ll do slightly less volume and test again.

              30 Oct

              Around The Square – 3 x 4
              Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
              Speed Skaters – 2 x 15 per side
              180 Squat Jumps – 3 x 10
              Lunge Jumps – 3 x 12

              31 Oct

              Lateral High Jumps – 3 x 20
              Single Leg Box Jumps – 2 x 8
              Seated Jumps – 3 x 8

              4 Nov

              Vert Test – 15 jumps, best of ??

              This was a car crash. The last two weeks I started at 68cm (I blu tack a target on the rim at the right height) and worked up, this time I thought I’d “open” at 70cm. Never touched it. I don’t know what happened between now and last week but I was just aimlessly flapping and not getting good height at all. I finished early because if I struggled so much at 70cm it was very unlikely I was going to beat 74cm.

              A little depressing to end on a low, I’m happier with my decision to not go on with phase 9 and to instead focus on technique.

              My Achilles troubled me a few months ago and I never gave it an extended period to heal so I’ll probably take 4-6 weeks with no plyometrics and then start from scratch. I had success with Phases 1-4 so there’s no reason I can’t repeat those and modify where I want.

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