Reply To: Get Vertical Program (July 2018)


    23 August

    Depth Jump – 3 x 8 x 70cm
    DB Split Squat Jump – 3 x 8 x 7.5kg
    Power Clean – 3,3 x 82.5kg, 1 x 87.5kg, 1 x 90kg, 0 x 95kg
    Top Squat ISO – 4 x 5 x 3 secs
    Bulgarian Squat ISO – 4 x 55kg, 2 x 4 x 50kg (7 secs)

    Calf Stretch – 60 secs
    TKE Stretch (P414) – 10 x 5 secs

    I thought I’d try and find my 1RM in power cleans, quite disappointed it isn’t higher. Looking at my recent PB’s I haven’t gone above 85kg but at the same time it’s rarely in my program. On top of my regular stretches I added in terminal knee extension and calf stretching. This is my last bit of lower body exercise for a while and now I want to recover and prepare for the final vert test next week.

    I’ll move upper body weights to tomorrow which will be the final part of the six week program, then I’ll write up a review and make a video.