Reply To: Get Vertical Program (July 2018)


    21 August

    Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 90kg
    Barbell Rows – 5 x 5 x 75kg
    Push Press – 5 x 4 x 60kg
    Weighted Chin Ups – 5 x 5 x 20kg

    Such a nice and simple session, still effective. If they put this in Vert Shock it would have made things so much better rather than losing a lot of my strength.

    22 August

    TKE Stretch (P414) – 10 x 5 secs
    Flexion Gapping (P418) – 40 secs
    BB Heel Cord Smash (P426) – 50 secs
    Spread and pull, Toe Dorsi & Toe Plantar (P440-441) – 50 secs
    Single Leg Flex and Extension Rotation (P371) – 90 secs

    These are from “Becoming a Supple Leopard” with page numbers. Thought i’d detail my soft tissue & mobility work since I haven’t done any up until now. The stretch on page 371 was magic for my hips and I felt so loose afterwards. I’ll do more on Saturday so that it doesn’t take me too long to be fresh for a re-test. I don’t think I need a whole week off, perhaps with legs on the 23rd I could do my final test on the 30th.