Reply To: 2022 Training Log


    13 July

    Goblet Squat – 4 x 10 x 50lbs (60 secs)
    RLESS – 4 x 10 x 50lbs (90 secs)
    Jump Squats – 150 in 4:04

    I have a pair of 25lb dumbbells that I used for a very quick leg circuit. I know I’ll be sore so no use going OTT in the first session.

    15 July

    Running – 4.85km (3 miles) in 30 mins

    Surprisingly the same pace as last week despite dealing with leg DOMS. This was far less hilly, I just ran in one direction for exactly 15 minutes then turned around.

    I might try two leg sessions and one run next week, maybe some plyometrics too.