Reply To: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021)


    WEEK 7

    22 Nov

    Throw In Technique – 20 throws
    Throw Ins (Session 16) – 10 throws, median 19.9m
    MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
    Pull ups – 3 x 6

    23 Nov

    Sports Massage – 60 mins

    My shoulders and chest were very tight and I’ve developed internally rotated shoulders from my time hunched over my laptop. She did a good amount of work on them and I bought a set of trigger balls to keep on top of my chest from here. Likely to go see her again in Jan/Feb

    27 Nov

    Throw In Technique – 20 throws
    Throw Ins (Session 17) – 10 throws, median 20.2m
    MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
    Pull ups – 3 x 7

    I’ve hit a 21 metre throw in each of the last three sessions and I felt like I could go another 1-2 metres if I caught one nicely. Still working on backspin during release and my grip is decent. I feel like the weighted ball work will add the most distance from here.