Reply To: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020)


    WEEK 12

    15 Mar

    Dorsi Drill – 3 x 15
    Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
    Wall Drill – 2 x 6
    Arm Drill – 2 x 10
    Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 2 sets
    Broad Jumps – 5
    A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
    A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
    2 step 2 footed jumps – 5 per side

    A shorter session than last Monday, better this way.

    16 Mar


    I purposefully miss one technical jumping day and one gym session each month as a rest for my body.

    18 Mar

    Dorsi Drill – 3 x 15
    Pogo Jumps – 5 x 20 secs
    Wall Drill – 3 x 6
    Arm Drill – 3 x 10
    Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
    Broad Jumps – 5
    A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
    A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
    2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side

    19 Mar

    Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) – 2 x 8 x 25kg
    Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
    DB SLRDL – 3 x 6 x 8.5kg
    Hex DL Singles – 130,130,137.5,142.5,147.5,152.5,152.5, 152.5kg
    Seated Calf Raise – 40kg x 50 reps total
    L-Sit hold – 8 x 20 secs

    Hex DL turned into ego lifting, should avoid 1RM and work with 80-90% at speed. I tweaked my back a little, enough to skip ab ripper x and do some L-sits instead.

    20 Mar

    Foam Rolling

    21 Mar

    Massage gun, 25 mins

    New toy, gave it a whirl and really like it. I mainly pummelled my calves but did a bit of adductors and glutes, calves hurt already which is exactly how they feel after a proper sports massage.