Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEK 47

    26 Aug

    L-Sit to Tuck Planche – 5,4,4,4,3
    Pseudo Waistlinte Hold – 5,5,5,3

    30 Aug

    Pull ups – 8
    Flex Arm Hang – 3 x 30 secs
    EZ Front Raise – 3 x 12 x 16kg

    WEEK 48-50

    Rest and recover. I watched a few videos on the optimal rest period between sessions and someone argued the point that longer rest is better, with 5 days between intense sessions. My inner elbow joints have been aching and in general I feel like I’m bringing residual soreness/tiredness into the next session, so I’m giving my body a more extended break before coming at this again.