Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    11 Sept

    Vert Test – RL = 66cm, LR = 70cm

    I didn’t expect to PB, phase 7 felt like a strength phase so if anything I thought I’d be a bit sluggish and flat. It’s nice to test it anyway as a measure of how I’m progressing.

    PHASE 8

    14 Sept

    4 Core supersets

    My weekly layout suited starting with day 3, so I opened phase 8 with the ab exercises.

    15 Sept

    Stability Drill – 3 sets
    Hopping Drill – 3 sets
    Lateral Drill – 3 sets
    Skipping Drill – 3 sets
    Step Up Variation – 5 sets
    Weighted Jumps – 4 sets

    This took longer than I expected but I like the exercises.

    16 Sept

    Knee Strength Drill – 3 sets
    Hang High Pull – 4 sets
    Clean Variation – 3 sets
    RLESS – 5 sets
    Nordic Curls – 4 sets

    Ohhh I really like this day. The rep ranges make me feel like there’s at least some sort of taper or a transition from strength to power.

    17 Sept

    Phase 1 Jump Mechanics Drills – 2 x 3 sets
    2 step approach – 5 x 2
    4 Core supersets

    I was reading the YouTube comments and I’m tired of having a flawed jump technique that everyone focuses on, so I added in the phase 1 drills to help. I don’t know whether twice a week is excessive load but I plan to do the same next week for the other core day. I didn’t measure the 2 step but I will do next time as I was getting some quite good height.

    19 Sept

    Stability Drill – 3 sets
    Hopping Drill – 3 sets
    Lateral Drill – 3 sets
    Skipping Drill – 3 sets
    Step Up Variation – 5 sets
    Weighted Jumps – 4 sets

    20 Sept

    Knee Strength Drill – 3 sets
    Hang High Pull – 4 sets
    Clean Variation – 3 sets
    RLESS – 5 sets
    Nordic Curls – 4 sets

    Much better second time round. The first session is always a tester where you get a feel for what amount of weight to use but now I have it dialled in already and can load appropriately.

    Here are the weighted jumps, it’s only 20kg because as I say it seems to be more about power in this phase