Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEK 38

    24 Jun

    Straddle Planche Lean – 3 attempts
    Advanced Tuck Planche – 10,8,13,7,7 secs (45 total)

    I had a whole week off due to tightness in my bicep, possibly overexerting myself. I’m not able to hold a straddle for even 1 second but at least I know that.

    27 Jun

    Bring Sally Up – 80 secs
    PPPu – 8,6,8,6,5
    TRX Tucks – 3 x 16

    WEEK 39

    1 Jul

    Advanced Tuck – 8,14,7,11,2 (42 total)
    Rear Leg Lift (Bird Dog style) – 3 x 30 secs

    Nice to get an extra second, I’m feeling good in this position and already looking to progressing. I wanted to make sure I have the strength to hold my leg out in a straddle so I did a single leg version from all fours and that was fine.

    4 Jul

    L-Sit to Straddle – 2,4,3
    Tuck Planche Push up – 4,5,3,3
    Pull ups – 10,8,6
    A1 Sphinx Push ups – 31,20,24
    A2 TRX Tucks – 15,12,10

    A few new exercises after watching more on YouTube. I had been doing L-Sit to tuck and back, the suggestion was to hold a split second in a straddle then recover and I was able to do a few reps. The idea behind that is your body gets familiar with being in that position. Then a tuck planche push up, sold as an alternative to PPPu. You have to keep the torso parallel and I found the first few reps easy then immediately struggled, I was trying not to rush and making sure I locked out at the elbows each time.

    I wanted to add in more general strength because the volume hasn’t been that high, so pull ups came in. Sphinx push ups are for forearm conditioning and tucks were in my program already.

    I still want to get to 20 seconds on the advanced tuck but I’m already incorporating straddle exercises.