Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEK 35

    3 Jun

    Planche Lean Touch – 25cm, 2 x 26cm, 2 x 27cm
    Inverted Rows – 15,11,10
    Hanging Toes to Bar – 4 x 8

    6 Jun

    PPPu – 5,7,5,6,5
    Raised L-Sit 60cm – 14,12,9 secs

    WEEK 36

    8 Jun

    Bring Sally Up – 60 secs
    Advanced Tuck Planche – 3,4,6,7,6,3 secs (29 total)
    Bring Sally Up – 90 secs

    10 Jun

    Planche Lean Touch – 25cm, 2 x 27cm, 2 x 28cm
    A1 Inverted Rows – 17,11,9
    A2 Hanging Toes to Bar – 8,7,6

    13 Jun

    Bring Sally Up – 70 secs
    PPPu – 8,6,7,5,6
    TRX Tucks – 4 x 15

    I had a bit of a breakthrough with advanced tuck, rather than try to lower it I just started from the position and raised off the floor. I now plan to get more of a lean going and slowly work my legs back into a straddle. I’ve also shifted from having my index finger straight ahead to my thumb, so more external rotation of the arms. The planche lean touch is really benefiting me and I have confidence in being able to get close to straddle planche in the next 8 weeks.