Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEK 18

    5 Feb

    Scap Pushups – 2 x 10
    PPPu – 8,8,8,6
    Tuck Planche – 9,8,11,8,5 secs (41 total)

    WEEK 19

    11 Feb

    Tuck Planche – 11, 12 secs
    L-Sit Tuck Hold – 25,25,25,20 secs

    15 Feb

    Tuck Planche Pulses – 3,3
    Tuck Planche – 4, 8 secs
    PPPu – 6,8,8,7,5

    I am seething. My progress is so bloody slow and I genuinely don’t know how to structure my training to make incremental gains, which is new territory for me. I still can’t even tell which muscle groups are failing me. I am going to set aside 45-60 mins to reading more material on planche training because right now that’s the best use of my time.