Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    WEEK 1

    Throughout this I will be purposefully vague so as not to give people the whole program for free. The layout is Day 1-5 and it looks like you can choose how to space them, as long as Days 1, 3 and 5 have sufficient recovery.

    6 Feb

    Dynamic Warmup
    Activation exercises
    Ankle drill, CMJ, Glute drill
    Oscillating Squats w 40kg
    RLESS ISO w 30kg
    Lower Back Exercise
    Calf Exercise

    I enjoyed this. When I did the pushup & pullup program it made such a difference to my mind-muscle connection to start with activation exercises, and it’s the same here.

    7 Feb

    10 stretches
    4 supersets (core, balance, feet)

    I’m familiar with a lot of these stretches and the principles of the ab stuff. It’s nice to work on foot conditioning as I can’t remember another program that’s addressed it.

    8 Feb

    Jump Session

    This is like Jump Science 2.0 in that there’s a dedicated technique day. I had a narrow window to get this done on a Saturday morning before work and to save time I didn’t bring my tripod or intend to film anything. During one of my approaches I touched the backboard for the first time ever (I should note it’s 293cm and I did touch 294cm with a mini hoop in my garden) meaning my gains are already 2cm. Some of this could be attributed to my increased freshness having done heavy squats the previous week, but my technique felt sharp so I want to give the program the benefit of the doubt.

    9 Feb

    10 stretches
    4 supersets (core, balance, feet)

    This is the same session as above and there’s the option of doing it a third time as a “Day 6”, which I won’t be doing.

    11 Feb

    Dynamic Warmup
    Activation exercises
    Ankle drill, CMJ, Glute drill
    Oscillating Squats w 45kg
    RLESS ISO w 35kg
    Lower Back Exercise
    Calf Exercise

    Weights got heavier but everything else stayed the same. As you can see Days 1 & 5 are the same, as are Days 2 & 4. I should also note that on Day 3 there’s a pool workout but my nearest one is 10 miles away so I did the alternative exercises. That’s also the case on multiple occasions where he uses gym equipment I don’t have in my home gym, and in fact I bought resistance bands to be able to do some of the others.

    My first impression is that it’s a good program but it’s very involved, I had to spend 30 mins for each session going through the videos and making a note of the coaching points, and there’s a lot to get through even if the sessions take 60-90 mins. The draw of some of the other programs is their simplicity, and I can see why nobody has made Vert Code Elite free online, because you’d need to link to all the videos to understand the program. I’m already confident I have my money’s worth for the first 4 weeks and so I’ll roll over and allow the money to be deducted for month 2.

    Here are my oscillating squats from today, I’ve seen a top dunker do them in his leg day so they are maybe more common than I thought.