Reply To: 2020 Training Log


    4 Feb

    Jump Squats – 2 x 5 x 40kg
    Seated Jumps – 3 x 5
    Back Squat – 1 x 110kg, 1 x 120kg, 3 x 4 x 120kg, 7 x 110kg

    I was toying with trying a 1RM but when I got to 120kg I realised I could rep it out. It was definitely tough and I couldn’t do a 4th set but I could stay at 120kg and work on increasing reps.


    After this I looked ahead to the jumps program I was going to do, and it was disappointing to say the least. I then ended up watching several hours of PJF Performance on YouTube without knowing he was the author of Vert Code Elite. He seemed so knowledgeable that my mind was made up, and I bought a monthly subscription. See that in a separate journal.