February 2, 2020 at 9:38 pm #10239
22 Jan
Tuck Planche Pulses – 5 x 3 reps
Tuck Planche – 13 secs
I watched another tutorial video and it had these in, you go from an L-sit tuck hold into a brief tuck planche for a few reps. Anything which gives me more control is a positive thing.
26 Jan
Tuck Planche – 8,8,6,7,5 secs (34 total)
Ab Ripper X – missed about 12 reps across the 13-14 minutes
I need to up my game with abs and Ab Ripper X (part of the P90X series) is the most brutal and effective ab workout I know. I did it at Uni and after 2 weeks my front plank went from 1 min 30 to 2 min 30 and my front squat went up 10kg because my core could hold the weight.