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  • in reply to: Pre-Season Fitness for Soccer (Apr 2019) #9472

      25 Apr

      Stretches – Hamstring spectrum, Holding Large Globe, General Quad, Calf, Shin, Sole of Foot

      Bench Press – 2 x 3 x 95kg
      Incline DB Bench Press – 17, 13 x 25kg
      A1 DB Rows – 3 x 8 x 35kg
      A2 Rear Delt Flyes – 3 x 8 x 3.5kg
      EZ Bar Curls – 12,11,11 x 31kg

      26 Apr

      Swiss Ball HS Curl (assisted) – 1 x 10
      Hamstring Bridge Walkouts – 2 x 10

      Swiss ball curl was causing discomfort in the injured hamstring and I completed one set of 10 with my arms holding a squat rack to reduce the effort the legs put in before switching to walkouts. The walkouts were much better than last week and I consider that Phase 2 completed from this recovery protocol maybe 5-7 days before I want to try the swiss ball though.

      28 Apr

      Hex Bar DL – 2 x 3 x 130kg
      Hip Thrusts – 10 x 60kg, 2 x 10 x 70kg
      Sprinter Sit ups – 3 x 20

      I skipped the conditioning as it was KB swings and my leg had done enough. Hex bar was back to what I lifted in week 1 while hip thrusts were at 70kg vs 100kg in week 1. This time next week I’ll do conditioning meaning I’m almost doing all of WS4SB 3 except for the sprint session.

      29 Apr

      Push ups – 30, 22, 18
      A1 Chin up – 10,9,9
      A2 Face Pull – 10,10,10
      Lat Raises – 4 x 12 x 3.5kg
      B1 BB Shrug – 3 x 10 x 75kg
      B2 DB Tricep Ext – 3 x 15 x 13.5kg
      Swiss Ball Situps – 3 x 12 x 20kg

      Good session, felt strong. Upped the shrugs, completed all reps of tricep extension and brought back the ab exercise. This is Week 4 Day 5 and even with my injury I am probably going to end up fitter by the end of week 5.

      in reply to: Pre-Season Fitness for Soccer (Apr 2019) #9459

        18 Apr

        Bench Press – 2 x 3 x 95kg
        Incline DB Bench Press – 15, 13 x 25kg
        A1 DB Rows – 3 x 8 x 35kg
        A2 Rear Delt Flyes – 3 x 8 x 3.5kg
        EZ Bar Curls – 13,11,9 x 31kg

        19 Apr

        Single Leg Bridge – 4 x 10

        Part of the hamstring progression, these didn’t even feel like they were activating my hamstring.

        21 Apr

        Hamstring Bridge Walkouts – 3 x 5
        Hamstring Stretch – 1 minute

        Wow, now these are definitely working the hamstring. I walked out until my knees were almost straight and I could tell I was very close to tweaking it again so I reduced the range of my steps. I like these enough to put them in as a more advanced warm up once my leg is healed, and the plan is to do some two leg work with a swiss ball in a few days time.

        22 Apr

        Stretches – Hamstring spectrum, Holding Large Globe, Long Quad, Human Pinwheel
        Push ups – 26, 21, 20
        A1 Chin up – 9,9,9
        A2 Face Pull – 10,10,10
        Lat Raises – 4 x 12 x 3.5kg
        B1 BB Shrug – 3 x 10 x 70kg
        B2 DB Tricep Ext – 3 x 12 x 13.5kg

        I’m having to pay less attention to my leg in the gym when doing upper body, and I can walk without a limp at an average pace. The stretches are from The Permanent Pain Cure, which I still fall back on to this day for some of my stretches Days of inactivity and perhaps the use of crutches has meant I feel a lot of tightness in my lower and mid back, as well as calves. I read some research that stretching 4x day means faster recovery than 1x day but I haven’t found the time yet.

        23 Apr

        Running warm up –
        Grass Shuttle Runs: 3 x 4 mins (4 mins rest)

        I am so pleased I could complete this session. The first run was a little tentative but the other two were done at the same pace as my runs two weeks ago and the fact I can’t jog very fast meant I paced myself much better. I completed one full shuttle and got to the far 18 yard box on the second run (shuttles are 18 yd, halfway, other 18 yd, full pitch). I stayed away from any discomfort and going from crutches to jogging in 11 days is faster than I expected to progress.

        in reply to: Pre-Season Fitness for Soccer (Apr 2019) #9439

          15 Apr

          Push ups – 22,19,18
          A1 Chin up – 3 x 9
          A2 Res. Band Face Pulls – 3 x 10
          Lateral Raises – 12,12,10,12 x 3.5kg
          B1 BB Shrugs – 3 x 10 x 70kg
          B2 DB Tricep Ext – 15,12,11 x 13.5kg
          Weighted Sit ups – 2 x 12 x 15kg

          I switched from shoulder press to lateral raise and did the barbell shrugs with my injured leg kneeling on a bench, making sure my torso is still perpendicular to the floor. Pleased to get through that.

          16 Apr

          Indoor Rowing (Upper body only) – 4 x 3 mins (4 mins) in 2:20-2:25/500m pace

          So pleased I can do a fitness session, and a tiring one at that. I put my good leg in the straps and kept it straight, leaving my injured leg free and bent at 90 degrees so there’s no strain when I lean forward for each stroke. Really surprised by the pace I can hold with only my upper body, biceps were tired but I got my heart rate up to 160 so it’s a great alternative to the shuttle runs. I was going to switch running for rowing if the weather was terrible but this injury has given me another reason to include it.

          I will do some lower body rehab on Friday and probably repeat the rowing machine session instead of the speed session. I’m off crutches but I can’t walk very fast and have a small limp. I tried a two leg lying bridge with no pain and plan to follow these exercises to measure my progress

          in reply to: Pre-Season Fitness for Soccer (Apr 2019) #9436

            11 Apr

            Bench Press – 2 x 3 x 95kg
            Incline DB Bench Press – 15, 13 x 25kg
            A1 DB Rows – 4 x 8 x 35kg
            A2 Rear Delt Flyes – 4 x 8 x 3.5kg
            EZ Bar Curls – 12,11,10 x 31kg

            I could tell in the warm up I wasn’t as strong as last week and it showed in the lower reps on incline press. Managed a bit more volume than last week though.

            12 Apr

            General warm up + Mobility
            Frequency Drills
            Grass Runs: 10 x 10m, 6 x 20m, 3 x 40m* (rest 1 min, 2 mins, 4 mins)

            On the third rep of 40m I got to around 20-25 metres and felt my right hamstring go. I’ve had enough hamstring pulls (6-8?) over the years to know that this one was quite bad. It was a combination of dehydration from not taking water with me and the uneven surface which probably caused it. I immediately picked up all my stuff and hobbled home to ice it. Over the next day and a bit I iced it for 8 lots of 20 mins, spaced 2+ hours apart. I’m on crutches and expect to need at least two weeks before I can do a light jog, but hopefully some gentle physio work before that time.

            14 Apr

            Sprinter sit-ups – 3 x 20

            The only part of the session I could do and even then it was modified to put no strain on my hamstring. I plan to do as much of the upper body session tomorrow as I can without feeling any kind of twinge in my hamstring, likely a seated version of some exercises. I hate being injured.

            in reply to: Pre-Season Fitness for Soccer (Apr 2019) #9435

              8 Apr

              Push Ups – 26, 19, 17
              A1 Chin Ups – 3 x 9
              A2 Res. Band Face Pulls – 3 x 10
              DB Military Press – 10,10,9,9 x 20kg
              B1 BB Shrug – 10 x 60kg, 10,10 x 70kg
              B2 DB Tricep Extension – 15,12,10 x 13.5kg
              Swiss Ball Sit Ups – 3 x 12 x 15kg

              9 Apr

              General warm up + Mobility
              Frequency Drills
              Grass Shuttle Runs: 3 x 3 mins (4 mins rest)

              It was humbling how tired I was after 45 seconds of the first shuttle run, my fitness is appalling despite lifting weights and looking in okay shape. If I’m honest I could have pushed it more, I accepted a level of heavy breathing but didn’t try and run myself into the ground – will make sure to do that next week.

              Overall it’s been a good week of training, I felt the sprints went really well and while I was initially concerned that the first conditioning session would be too easy that opinion didn’t last long. Ideally to maximise fitness levels I would be doing three of those conditioning sessions per week but this was designed for the amateur footballer who plays in Sunday league and doesn’t have time to do 2-a-day sessions like a pro.

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