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  • in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10420

      WEEK 24

      6 Aug

      Single Step Accel – 3 sets
      Diagonal Step/Bound – 4 sets
      Skip Bounds – 4 sets
      Practice Jumps – 12 total, not measured
      Triple CC – 4 sets, 145kg Hex DL
      Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
      Agility Drill – 3 sets

      I don’t seem to jump well on Day 1 with only 48 hours rest so I didn’t bother measuring my practice jumps. The session as a whole felt very good.

      7 Aug

      Hip/Hamstring Superset
      Ab/Hip Superset
      Lower Abs – 3 sets
      Lower Back – 2 sets

      9 Aug

      Sprint – 6 x 54m in 9.00, 8.37, 7.96, 7.79, 7.82
      Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg
      Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
      Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
      Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
      Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
      Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

      Good sprints on a nice dry road. These are a good 0.3-0.4 seconds faster than when I did them in phase 2 which has given me a lot of confidence.

      Instead of a deload (skipping week 1 days 1 & 2) I did them, but I’m now happy to say that’s the end of phase 6 and to not finish off with week 4 days 4 & 5. I had a sports massage on the 10th and she identified my groin/hip tightness as my vastus lateralis quad muscle being very tight. She also noted I had slightly collapsed arches, I was already in the process of fixing these with barefoot walking but that’s encouraged me to get it sorted even quicker, because that can put pressure on the ankle and the Achilles.

      Overall while I was pleased with phase 6 my body was really fighting against me and I need to spend more time addressing imbalances and staying on top of mobility work. She said that I’m quite flexible which can actually be detrimental to noticing the condition of muscles, because if I can e.g. touch my toes then in my head it means my hamstrings aren’t tight, but they were.

      I need 48-72 hours after the massage to let everything settle down and then I can re-test my vert and immediately follow it with the first session of phase 7. She found a whole load of tightness in my outer quads so with that fixed I’m excited to see how I feel after a rest.

      Here are a few from day 1

      in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10419

        WEEK 23

        30 Jul

        Single Step Accel – 2 sets
        Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
        Skip Bounds – 4 sets
        Practice Jumps – 15 total, failed at RL 70cm and LR = 73cm
        Triple CC – 4 sets, 140kg Hex DL
        Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
        Agility Drill – 2 sets

        I was a LONG way from getting those practice jump heights, I watched the videos back and I was flapping away at the air. Deadlifts were pushing it, I had to use my straps for one set, I felt a bit flat today.

        31 Jul

        Hip/Hamstring Superset
        Ab/Hip Superset
        Lower Abs – 3 sets
        Lower Back – 2 sets
        Row 3km in 2:18/500m pace

        Really leisurely row, not trying to push it.

        2 Aug

        Sprint – 10 x 60m(?) in 9.47, 8.70, 8.49, 8.26, ?, 8.13, 8.31, ?, 8.26, 8.45
        Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg
        Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
        Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
        Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
        Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
        Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

        Who knows what distance that was, I paced it out as 60m but when I measured it after the session I got ~62m. I did this on a proper track and it was so nice to accelerate properly in sprint spikes. I was wary of pulling a muscle so I sat at 95% for most of the runs.

        3 Aug

        Hip/Hamstring Superset
        Ab/Hip Superset
        Lower Abs – 3 sets
        Lower Back – 2 sets

        4 Aug
        AM Barefoot Walking – 1 mile in 20 mins
        Single Step Accel – 2 sets
        Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
        Skip Bounds – 4 sets
        Practice Jumps – 10 total, LR = 67cm
        Triple CC – 4 sets, 130kg Hex DL
        Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
        Agility Drill – 2 sets

        Not at the races today. I’m reading “Born to Run” and it advocates barefoot walking/running to strengthen the foot so I did a mile in the morning. I felt my adductor stretch a bit doing a RL approach so I focused on LR today while also holding back. I had no spring and was barely able to touch 67cm, which was initially set up for my weaker RL jumps. I’m not concerned at all, when I trained in sprinting I’d have days where I was completely off the pace. You don’t magically lose your power and spring in a couple of days so I’ve taken an epsom salt bath and might push the next session back a day to let my legs rest.

        Here’s one of my track sprints

        in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10418

          WEEK 22

          23 Jul

          Single Step Accel – 2 sets
          Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
          Skip Bounds – 4 sets
          Practice Jumps – 15 total, RL = 67cm, LR = 72cm
          Triple CC – 4 sets, 135kg Hex DL
          Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
          Agility Drill – 2 sets

          This was 48 hours after an identical session and I didn’t feel as sharp. I’m really pleased with my ability to consistently jump near my PB and it’s nice to be progressing the hex bar deadlifts by 5-10kg a week.

          24 Jul

          Hip/Hamstring Superset
          Ab/Hip Superset
          Lower Abs – 3 sets
          Lower Back – 2 sets

          No rowing this time round, I have tightness in my hips and groin.

          26 Jul

          Sprint – 8 x 54m in 9.26, 8.44, 8.10, 7.95, 8.00, 7.99, 8.04, 8.02
          Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg. Left: best of 4.31, Right: best of 4.44
          Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
          Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
          Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
          Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
          Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

          If you’d seen me warming up for my sprints you’d tell me to not do the session. I’m really having to overcome a lot of tightness in the adductors, this time it was my left leg that hampered me. I modified my running mechanics and needed several pre-warm up runs before running at 50-75% pace for the first official timed run. Really happy to run sub 8 given how much I was running within myself and I’m ready to do a proper track session next weekend.

          27 Jul

          Hip/Hamstring Superset
          Ab/Hip Superset
          Lower Abs – 3 sets
          Lower Back – 2 sets

          28 Jul

          Single Step Accel – 2 sets
          Diagonal Step/Bound – 3 sets
          Skip Bounds – 4 sets
          Practice Jumps – 12 total, RL = 69cm, LR = 72cm
          Triple CC – 4 sets, 140kg Hex DL
          Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
          Agility Drill – 2 sets

          My body is finally adapting to the workload and my legs felt fresh and unrestricted today. I improved by 2cm on my weaker side but wasn’t able to match my PB jumping left-right. I don’t mind this because I wasn’t feeling that springy and I trained at 11am instead of 2pm, and I know I jump better early afternoon.

          This was a great week, I’ve been down about minor niggling injuries but I feel better now and confident that my body is capable of perhaps 31.5″ by the end of summer.

          Here are my single leg speed hops from a standing start. I was going about 90-95% with all the adductor problems.

          in reply to: 2010 Training Log #10417

            Dec 16

            Running Arms
            3 x 70

            Bench Press (1)
            5 x 67.5kg
            5 x 77.5kg
            9 x 87.5kg

            Explosive Pushups (1)
            3 x 8

            3 x 20

            Dec 17

            Back Squat
            5 x 97.5kg
            5 x 112.5kg
            10 x 127.5kg

            Stiff Legged Deadlift (1)
            2 x 7 x 118.5kg

            Bird Dogs (1)
            2 x 20

            Reverse Crunch Hold
            3 x 30 secs

            Side Bridge, 70 secs

            Dec 19

            Seated Jumps
            1 x 5 x 100cm
            2 x 5 x 105cm

            Rebound Jumps
            3 x 5 x 40cm->100cm

            Pullups (14,14,11) and Dips (20,20,20)

            Front Squat
            5 x 70kg
            5 x 81kg
            14 x 92kg

            Hip Thrusts
            2 x 10 x 70kg
            1 x 10 x 75kg

            Sliding HS Curl
            1 x 12 x 5kg
            2 x 10 x 10kg

            Ab Circuit, 5 mins

            Dec 23

            Running Arms
            3 x 80

            Bench Press (1)
            3 x 72.5kg
            3 x 82.5kg
            7 x 92.5kg

            Explosive Pushups (1)
            3 x 8

            3 x 20

            Back Squats
            3 x 105kg
            3 x 120kg
            6 x 135kg

            Stiff Legged Deadlift (1)
            2 x 8 x 118.5kg

            Bird Dogs
            2 x 20

            Reverse Crunch Hold
            3 x 30 secs

            Dec 25

            Seated Jumps
            3 x 5

            Rebound Jumps
            3 x 5

            Front Squat
            3 x 76kg
            3 x 86kg
            12 x 97kg

            Sliding HS Curl
            2 x 10 x 10kg
            1 x 10 x 15kg

            Hip Thrusts
            2 x 10 x 75kg
            1 x 10 x 80kg

            Ab Crunches
            4 x 45

            Side Bridge, 75 secs

            Dec 27

            DB Rows
            3 x 10 x 37.5kg

            Plate Toss
            3 x 12 x 15kg

            Alternate DB Bench (1)
            1 x 19 x 36kg
            1 x 17 x 36kg

            Explosive Pushups (1)
            2 x 8

            Dec 28

            Power Cleans
            2 x 1 x 86kg
            1 x 88.5kg
            1 x 91kg
            1 x 94.5kg P.B.
            1 x 95.5kg P.B.

            Good Mornings
            2 x 9 x 67.5kg

            Ab Circuit, 5 mins 30

            Dec 29

            Running Arms
            3 x 90

            Bench Press (1)
            5 x 77.5kg
            3 x 87.5kg
            6 x 97.5kg

            Explosive Pushups (1)
            3 x 8

            3 x 20

            Dec 30

            Back Squats
            5 x 112.5kg
            3 x 127.5kg
            3 x 142.5kg

            Stiff Legged Deadlift (1)
            2 x 7 x 121kg

            Bird Dogs (1)
            2 x 20

            Reverse Crunch Hold
            3 x 30 secs

            in reply to: 2010 Training Log #10416

              Dec 1

              DB Running Arms
              2 x 60 x 2.5kg

              Bench Press (1)
              5 x 75kg
              3 x 85kg
              6 x 95kg

              Explosive Pushups (1)
              3 x 8

              Dec 2

              Back Squats
              5 x 109kg
              3 x 123kg
              5 x 138kg

              Stiff Legged Deadlift (1)
              2 x 7 x 118.5kg

              Bird Dogs (1)
              2 x 20

              Reverse Crunch Hold
              3 x 30 secs

              Dec 4

              Pause Squat Jump
              1 x 5 x 90cm
              1 x 5 x 100cm
              1 x 5 x 105cm

              Depth Jumps
              3 x 5 x 40cm -> 100cm

              Pullups, 16, 16, 11
              Dips, 3 x 20

              Front Squat
              1 x 5 x 80kg
              1 x 3 x 90kg
              1 x 7 x 101kg

              Sliding Hamstring Curl
              2 x 12
              1 x 12 + 2.5kg

              Shoulder Elevated Hip Thrusts
              1 x 12 x 50kg
              1 x 12 x 65kg
              1 x 12 x 70kg

              Dec 6

              DB rows
              3 x 10 x 37.5kg

              Plate Toss
              3 x 12 x 15kg

              Alternate DB Bench (1)
              1 x 20 x 36kg
              1 x 16 x 36kg

              Explosive Pushups (1)
              2 x 8

              Dec 7

              Power Cleans
              3 x 1 x 85.5kg
              2 x 1 x 88.5kg
              1 x 91kg

              Good Mornings
              2 x 8 x 67.5kg

              Ab Circuit, 5 mins

              Dec 8

              Running Arms
              2 x 60

              Bench Press (1)
              5 x 40kg
              5 x 50kg
              5 x 60kg

              Explosive Pushups (1)
              3 x 7

              Dec 9

              Back Squat
              5 x 58kg
              5 x 73kg
              5 x 88kg

              Stiff Leggged Deadlift
              2 x 7 x 78.5kg

              Bird Dogs
              2 x 15

              Reverse Crunch Hold
              3 x 25 secs

              Dec 11

              60m Race

              Heat 1 – 7.49. I’m quite pleased with that time as I’m not in race shape just yet. My first two steps were a little off and the guy next to me got out better, then the rest of the race I was happy with and I managed to beat him on the line.

              Heat 2 – 7.55. Got out wayyy too low, hips were down and that impacted my transition at 20m where I lost ground. Given how I felt crossing the line I think 55 is a fair time.

              Front Squat
              5 x 42.5kg
              5 x 52.5kg
              5 x 65kg

              Dec 14

              DB Rows
              3 x 10 x 37.5kg

              Plate Toss
              3 x 12 x 15kg

              Alternate DB Bench (1)
              1 x 18 x 36kg
              1 x 14 x 36kg

              Explosive Pushups (1)
              2 x 8

              Ab Crunches
              4 x 30

              Dec 15

              Power Cleans
              3 x 1 x 86kg
              1 x 91kg
              1 x 93.5kg P.B.
              1 x 91kg

              Good Mornings
              2 x 8 x 67.5kg

              Ab circuit, 5 mins

            Viewing 5 posts - 241 through 245 (of 563 total)