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  • in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10438


      Since I’m stopping VCE after 8 of 12 phases it’s not fair to immediately test my vert and consider that to be what the program delivered. I know the CNS takes longer than muscles to fully recover so I scheduled some shorter maintenance sessions (adapted from Vert Shock) which I will do for 2-3 weeks, testing my vert once a week.

      15 Oct

      Around The Square – 3 x 4
      Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
      180 Squat Jumps – 3 x 10
      Lunge Jumps – 3 x 12

      I forgot how great it feels to do tuck jumps, the reactive ball of the foot contact must surely translate well to jumping.

      17 Oct

      Lateral High Jumps – 3 x 20
      Single Leg Box Jumps – 2 x 8
      Seated Jumps – 3 x 8

      I took depth jumps out of this because those are very demanding on the CNS and the goal is to give mine a break.

      18 Oct

      Uphill Sprints – 4 x 20m
      Uphill broad jumps – 15,15,12

      I had to do these on a side road and needed to bail from the final set as a car was coming. I’m rarely that out of breath following VCE but 15 broad jumps do it for me.

      19 Oct

      Foam roll, 11 stretches
      A1 Deadbug Rocker – 3 x 8
      A2 Mini Band Ankle Turn – 3 x 25
      Toe Raises – 3 x 8 x 3 secs
      SL ball of foot turn – 3 x 6

      I was picking a selection from the Phase 1 core/mobility day.

      20 Oct

      Vert Test – 25 jumps, best of 73cm/28.75″

      Beyond the warm up I stuck with a LR plant as that gets me the most height. I got quite high walking into a 2 step approach and only slightly better from a full approach. I uploaded everything to YouTube so people could give me feedback ahead of next Tuesday, the video is below. I felt good but not amazing so I’m still hopefully that with another week of rest I can get higher (PB is 74cm).

      in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10437

        WEEK 53-54

        6 Oct

        Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 6kg
        Weighted Pull ups – 5 x 20kg, 5,4 x 15kg
        Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 8
        Handstand practice – 3 x 30 secs
        Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
        Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 7

        The reverse table top is to balance out the shoulders from handstand practice but I feel like a single set will suffice.

        10 Oct

        L-Sit to Tucked Sit to Tuck Planche Pulse – 4 x 3
        Advanced Tuck Planche – 6 x 6 secs

        Did abs this morning in another routine so skipped any here.

        13 Oct

        Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 6.5kg
        Weighted Pull ups – 6,6,4 x 15kg
        Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 8
        Handstand practice – 3 x 30 secs
        Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
        Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 8

        Better balance today. I was doing flutter kicks off the wall and held one for a decent time.

        17 Oct

        Pseudo Waistline Holds – 5 x 5 secs
        Planche Lean – 26cm, 6 x 6 secs
        Raised L-Sit – 15,14,12 secs

        Here’s the handstand practice

        in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10436

          WEEK 51-52

          25 Sept

          Arnold Press – 2 x 10 x 6kg
          Weighted Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg
          Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 6
          A1 Handstand practice – 15,18,16 secs
          A2 Reverse Table Top – 3 x 20 secs
          Dragon Flag Lowers – 4,3,3

          This will be the weights based session I do between the more technical days. I like the Arnold Press for deltoids, weighted pull ups are recommended a lot, and I’m coming back to learning to handstand. The dragon flag ab exercise was a miss and I’ll change that.

          28 Sept

          L-Sit to Tucked Sit to Tuck Planche Pulse – 4 x 3
          Advanced Tuck Planche – 5 x 6 secs

          Another discovery was an optimal set & rep scheme for isometrics based on your maximum hold. I’ll be following that instead of constantly going to failure like I used to.

          1 Oct

          Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 6kg
          Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
          Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 10,9,8,7
          A1 Handstand practice – 3 x 30 secs
          A2 Reverse Table Top – 3 x 30 secs
          Hanging Toes to Bar – 4 x 6

          The first session was only a few sets to avoid a lot of doms, this time I upped the volume.

          4 Oct

          Pseudo Waistline Holds – 5 x 5 secs
          Planche Lean – 26cm, 6 x 6 secs
          Raised L-Sit – 20,10,10,10 secs

          Here are the planche leans, I can shift the wooden structure for more/less of a lean in cm.

          in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10435

            WEEK 47

            26 Aug

            L-Sit to Tuck Planche – 5,4,4,4,3
            Pseudo Waistlinte Hold – 5,5,5,3

            30 Aug

            Pull ups – 8
            Flex Arm Hang – 3 x 30 secs
            EZ Front Raise – 3 x 12 x 16kg

            WEEK 48-50

            Rest and recover. I watched a few videos on the optimal rest period between sessions and someone argued the point that longer rest is better, with 5 days between intense sessions. My inner elbow joints have been aching and in general I feel like I’m bringing residual soreness/tiredness into the next session, so I’m giving my body a more extended break before coming at this again.

            in reply to: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020) #10433

              WEEK 32

              5 Oct

              4 Core supersets

              6 Oct

              Stability Drill – 3 sets
              Hopping Drill – 4 sets
              Lateral Drill – 3 sets
              Skipping Drill – 3 sets
              Step Up Variation – 5 sets
              Weighted Jumps – 4 sets
              Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

              7 Oct

              Knee Strength Drill – 3 sets
              Hang High Pull – 4 sets
              Clean Variation – 3 sets
              RLESS – 5 sets
              Nordic Curls – 4 sets

              10 Oct

              Phase 1 Jump Mechanics Drills – 2 x 1 set
              Full approach – 12-15 attempts
              4 Core supersets

              I had an Epsom Salt bath on the 8th and gave my legs 48 hours to recover. I almost didn’t do the session because I was so short on time but I managed to do one set of drills and some approach jumps. The surface was wet so it wasn’t max. effort, I was at a new court which had a 9’9 rim I managed to touch. I prefer my regular court as it’s almost always empty, so will go back to that next time.

              11 Oct

              Stability Drill – 3 sets
              Hopping Drill – 4 sets
              Skipping Drill – 3 sets
              Step Up Variation – 5 sets
              Weighted Jumps – 4 sets

              I wasn’t feeling it at all today, this was a real chore and I skipped the lateral drill.

              12 Oct

              Knee Strength Drill – 3 sets
              Hang High Pull – 4 sets
              Clean Variation – 3 sets
              RLESS – 5 sets
              Nordic Curls – 4 sets

              Again not the best session, I’ve had poor sleep this week and it showed.

              This is where I stop Vert Code Elite. I’ve looked at phase 9 and I don’t feel like I’m missing out by stopping now. My technique is holding me back more than my strength/power right now, so for me the best thing is to write my own program, prioritise technical drills, and also give my body a rest. I know how to peak when it’s muscle soreness but a lot of this is CNS which takes 3-4x as long. I’m going to do two weeks of low intensity maintenance plyo’s and test my vert a few times along the way.

              After that I have the exposure to enough programs to know what I should be including and I’m confident I can write up a nice program that’s tailored to my own weaknesses. Phase 9 had sprints and bounding, and as it rains most days I know I’ll only get frustrated about not being able to go flat out on tarmac.

              I’ll leave you with the 9’9 rim touch, it didn’t make a noise and I didn’t celebrate so when I was reviewing the video I could only narrow it down to one of these two jumps.

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