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  • in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10450

      WEEK 2

      4 Jan

      Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
      A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
      A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (80cm)
      Kneeling Jumps – 5
      Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
      Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.30m
      2 step approach – 8 per side
      2 step pop ups – 4 per side
      2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
      Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 25 secs

      5 Jan

      CMJ – 8 jumps, best of 58cm
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 30kg
      BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 25kg
      Front Squat – 5 x 70,70,75kg
      Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
      Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

      7 Jan

      Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
      A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
      A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (80cm)
      Kneeling Jumps – 5
      Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
      Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.35m
      2 step approach – 8 per side
      2 step pop ups – 4 per side
      2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side

      Short on time so I skipped the end exercises. I’ll probably move the copenhagen plank to my warm up at some point as my adductors are quite sore by the time I get round to them.

      8 Jan

      CMJ – 9 jumps, best of 58cm
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 35kg
      Power Cleans (singles) – 2 x 60kg, 2 x 62.5kg, 2 x 65kg, 2 x 67.5kg, 2 x 70kg
      BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 30kg
      Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
      Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

      Power cleans were meant to be in it last week but I wanted to establish my front squats more. My technique is ugly so I want to spend time fixing it as the power clean helps a lot with jump power.

      10 Jan

      7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

      in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10449

        23 Dec

        Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
        Pogo Jumps – 3 x 20 secs
        Broad Jumps, 5
        Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
        2 Step 2 foot jumps – 8
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 10kg
        DB KoT Lunge – 10 x 5kg
        BB KoT Lunge – 2 x 8 x 20kg
        Band Assisted Nordic Curl – 3 x 7
        Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

        25 Dec

        Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
        Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
        Broad Jumps – 6, best of 2.32m
        Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
        CMJ – 7 jumps, best of 57cm
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 15kg
        BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 8 x 20kg
        Band Assisted Nordic Curl – 3 x 7

        I still haven’t finalised the exercises. The plan is to do 4 weeks, then have a 2-3 day taper and change up some of the exercises or set/rep schemes. I incorporated some of the warm up drills from Freak Jump Technique 3, such as the dorsiflexion and the broad jumps. The combo is a 10 second RKC plank, 4 plyo pushups and 4 speed skaters (lateral bounds), to activate the muscles.

        WEEK 1

        28 Dec

        Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
        Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
        Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.33m
        Kneeling Jumps, 4
        Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
        2 step approach – 8 per side
        2 step pop ups – 4 per side
        2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
        Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

        This is the technical jumping day, I don’t have a lot of space so I can’t do much more than a 2 step approach, but that will stop me getting ahead of myself. This will be Mon & Thurs, with weights based on Tues & Fri, then the weekend off.

        29 Dec

        CMJ – 10 jumps, best of 58cm
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 20kg
        BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 8 x 20kg
        Front Squat – 5 x 50,55,60kg
        Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
        Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

        The patrick step up is something I can happily increase the weight on, and now I’ve switched to a barbell lunge I can load up too. When I read that a 2 footed jump is more quad dominant I immediately wanted to include front squats but they’ve not really been in the programs I’ve followed. I won’t go super heavy there.

        31 Dec

        Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
        A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
        A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (80cm)
        Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
        Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.31m
        2 step approach – 8 per side
        2 step pop ups – 4 per side
        2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
        Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

        Someone directed me to Kadour Ziani a while back and I had noted down his leg lifts (stand and lift straight leg over an object in front of you, repeat for time). The pogo jumps come with a 2 minute rest, so it was a perfect place to fit in some leg lifts.

        1 Jan 2021

        CMJ – 10 jumps, best of 56cm
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 25kg
        BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 20kg
        Front Squat – 5 x 60,65,70kg
        Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
        Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

        3 Jan

        7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

        I have a list of my favourites and I know it’ll help keep me in better condition for the following training week.

        in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10448

          16 Dec

          ATS – 3 x 4
          Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 5kg
          CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 57cm
          DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 8.5kg
          Band Assisted Nordic Curl – 3 x 6
          Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps
          Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

          I brought in the Achilles spring combo as that’s something my program is missing and it felt beneficial when I did it as part of VCE.

          in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10447

            WEEKS 60-63

            1 Dec

            Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 8.5kg
            Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
            Handstand practice – 2,3,2, 30 secs

            I’ve been doing a 30 second wall handstand with flutter kicks and today I tried free handstands. I filmed it and it looked like a real mess so I need to work on straight body position and also awareness of what a good position feels like.

            4 Dec

            Pseudo Waistline Holds – 2 x 4 x 5 secs
            PPPu with feet against the wall – 4,5
            PPPu negatives – 8,8
            Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

            7 Dec

            Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 8.5kg
            Weighted Pull ups – 6 x 20kg, 6 x 15kg, 6 x 10kg, 8 x BW
            Pike Pushups – 4 x 9

            I tried mixing it up with a sort of drop set in pull ups, will go back to the normal exercises in a few weeks after a busy period.

            2 WEEKS OFF – I tried planche on the 11th and I could barely do 4 seconds so I decided to give my body another break.

            27 Dec

            Advanced Tuck Planche – 4,14,12,12,10 secs

            A personal best by 1 second, video below. I have already started training for the straddle planche but I’ll have another go at holding a straddle for a few seconds and modify other exercises.

            in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10446

              WEEKS 59-60

              18 Nov

              L-Sit to Tucked Sit to Tuck Planche Pulse – 4,4,3,3
              Advanced Tuck Planche – 6 x 6 secs
              Raised L-Sit (bench) – 20, 17, 14 secs

              21 Nov

              Arnold Press – 9,12,12 x 8.5kg
              Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
              Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 11,11,8
              Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
              Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
              Hanging Toes to Bar – 2 x 8

              24 Nov

              Pseudo Waistline Holds – 2 x 4 x 5 secs
              PPPu with feet against the wall – 3,4
              PPPu negatives – 8,8
              Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

              26 Nov

              Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 8.5kg
              Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
              Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 4 x 9
              Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
              Reverse Table Top – 30 secs
              Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 8

              29 Nov

              L-Sit to Tucked Sit to Tuck Planche Pulse – 4,4,4,3
              Advanced Tuck Planche – 5 x 6 secs, 1 x 3 secs

              Really pleased with the consistency over the last fortnight.

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