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  • in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10456

      WEEK 6

      1 Feb

      Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
      A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
      A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
      Wall Drill – 2 x 6
      Arm Drill – 3 x 10
      Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
      Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.48m
      2 step approach – 8 per side
      2 step pop ups – 4 per side
      2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

      2 Feb

      Banded Pull Through – 3 x 8
      Tuck Jumps – 2 x 11
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 55kg
      ATG Split Squat – 2 x 10 x 40kg
      Depth Jumps – 4 x 4 x exercise bench (50cm?)
      Front Squats (max intent) – 5 x 62.5,65,65kg
      Nordic Curls – 3 x 7

      Pleased to see my patrick step ups keep improving, front squat was a better weight as before the bar was leaving my shoulders at the top of the movement, an indication it was too light. One other change was to the split squats, now that I’ve reached a decent weight I wanted to drop to two sets and give my thighs a bit of a break.

      4 Feb

      Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
      A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
      A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
      Wall Drill – 2 x 6
      Arm Drill – 3 x 10
      Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
      Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.42m
      2 step approach – 8 per side
      2 step pop ups – 4 per side
      2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
      Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

      5 Feb

      Banded Pull Through – 3 x 8
      Tuck Jumps – 2 x 11
      Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 55kg
      ATG Split Squat – 2 x 10 x 40kg
      Weighted Jumps – 4 x 4 x 40kg
      SL Jump to Bench – 3 x 8 per leg
      RDL – skipped

      My lower back was causing me minor discomfort so there was no point aggravating it with RDL, otherwise business as usual.

      7 Feb

      Rowing Machine – 10 x 1 min on/1 min off, 1:54/500m pace
      7 stretches from Supple Leopard

      I had to briefly jog to catch up with my wife on a walk the other day and I was wheezing by the time I got to her. Cardio required. I love/hate the erg so instead of a 3 min warm up prior to stretching I did some repeat 1 min reps at my 1k pace.

      Here are my depth jumps, I bought a gym floor tile which I can drop anywhere and give myself a proper surface to land on.

      in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10455

        WEEK 5

        25 Jan

        Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
        A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
        A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
        Wall Drill – 2 x 6
        Arm Drill – 3 x 10
        Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
        Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.41m
        2 step approach – 8 per side
        2 step pop ups – 4 per side
        2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

        I re-read the FJT3 program notes and spotted two drills that were phased in later. I used my own arm drill (see Instagram) and the wall drill is dropping into a half squat really quickly. Other than that, this is the technical session so not a lot needed to change. When I do have access to a court I will do some single leg jumps and longer run ups.

        26 Jan

        Banded Pull Through – 3 x 8
        Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 45kg
        ATG Split Squat – 3 x 9 x 35kg
        Depth Jumps – 4 x 4 x exercise bench (50cm?)
        Front Squats (max intent) – 5 x 50,55,60kg
        A1 Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
        A2 Pogo Jumps – 3 x 20 secs

        The pull throughs were more like a glute activation drill for me, tuck jumps are from Vert Shock which are a stationary version of hurdle hops. The KoT lunge has been rebranded to split squat, because fixed feet is technically not a lunge. I will measure my exercise bench, but I step off that and try to work on a short ground contact time for depth jumps. I wanted to keep front squats in and explode up from the bottom of the movement, I have no idea how much weight I can do that with so I was experimenting.

        28 Jan

        Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
        A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
        A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
        Wall Drill – 2 x 6
        Arm Drill – 3 x 10
        Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
        Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.45m
        2 step approach – 8 per side
        2 step pop ups – 4 per side
        2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
        Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

        Identical to Monday.

        29 Jan

        Banded Pull Through – 3 x 8
        Tuck Jumps – 2 x 10
        Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 50kg
        ATG Split Squat – 3 x 10 x 40kg
        Weighted Jumps – 4 x 4 x 40kg
        SL Jump to Bench – 3 x 8 per leg
        RDL – 6 x 70,75,80kg

        The first half of the session is the same as Tuesday, then it diverges. I didn’t want to do depth jumps twice a week as they’re taxing on the CNS so I did hex bar weighted jumps, which I did in VCE. Then a single leg hop to my exercise bench, this has been in two programs and I like it. I wanted a change from nordics and to have a hip hinge rather than knee dominant hamstring move. This was all a bit light so I’ll need to bump that next week.

        30 Jan

        Epsom Salt Bath – 25 mins

        Ohhh lord, relaxation galore. I didn’t feel the need for mobility work as I was feeling great after this.

        If IG embedding allows, here’s my own arm drill which I was taught by a high jump coach

        in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10454

          WEEK 4

          18 Jan

          Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
          A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
          A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
          Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
          Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.40m
          2 step approach – 8 per side
          2 step pop ups – 4 per side
          2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
          Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

          19 Jan

          CMJ – 6 jumps, best of 60cm
          Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 40kg
          Front Squats – 3 x 5 x 75kg
          BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 9 x 35kg
          Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7

          Pleasantly surprised by my CMJ, not far off my PB now (63cm?). I’m also aware of the rough rule that your running vert should be 5+ inches more than standing, so I’m keen to test my running vert soon.

          21 Jan

          OFF – Moving house and while I had time at the end of the day to squeeze in a session, I felt the quality would be poor.

          23 Jan

          CMJ – 6 jumps, best of 59cm
          Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 45kg
          Power Cleans (doubles) – 2 x 60,60,65,70,75kg
          BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 35kg
          Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
          Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

          My power clean technique is still a work in progress, but if I don’t use enough weight I end up upright rowing it. Nice to see my CMJ stayed slightly above my previous weeks. I took an extra day before completing this because moving house took more out of me than I thought and I was aching in a few places.

          24 Jan

          7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

          So that’s the end of my first 4 week cycle, I’ve sat down and looked at what I want to add/remove for the next four weeks and I’m happy with what I have. I could obsessively pick over each exercise or try and fit everything in but I wanted to avoid overthinking and stick with what first comes to mind.

          Here’s my slightly improved power cleans with a hook grip

          in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10453

            WEEK 3

            11 Jan

            Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 10
            A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
            A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
            Kneeling Jumps – 5
            Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
            Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.45m
            2 step approach – 8 per side
            2 step pop ups – 4 per side
            2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
            Tibialis Raise – 25 reps

            Suddenly able to travel further in my broad jumps, it was nice to see. I did and up tweaking my adductor though which made me aware of it for the rest of the session.

            12 Jan

            OFF – My adductor is still bothering me so I skipped legs.

            14 Jan

            Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
            A1 Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
            A2 Ziani Leg Lifts – 4 x 60 secs (94cm)
            Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
            Broad Jumps – 5, best of 2.37m
            2 step approach – 8 per side
            2 step pop ups – 4 per side
            2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side
            Tibialis Raise, 25 reps

            I removed the kneeling jumps as they were doing nothing for me, the Copenhagen plank is now in my warm up as it’s good for reducing injury risk of the adductors.

            15 Jan

            CMJ – 6 jumps, best of 58cm
            Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 40kg
            Power Cleans (singles) – 10 x 1 x 50kg
            BB KoT Lunge – 3 x 8 x 35kg
            Band Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 7
            Achilles Spring Combo – 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps

            I reduced the weight on power cleans and also switched to a hook grip, which was an immediate improvement.

            17 Jan

            7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

            Overall a solid week, still playing around with exercise order but I’m much happier with it now. The plan was to take 2 sessions off every 4 weeks and if those happen to be because of injury then I can roll straight into the next 4 week cycle without a deload.

            in reply to: Full Planche (Oct 2019) #10452

              WEEKS 64-65

              29 Dec

              Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
              Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
              Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 8
              Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs
              Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

              1 Jan 2021

              L-Sit to Tuck to Pulse – 4 x 3
              Advanced Tuck Planche – 5 x 5 secs
              Raised L-Sit (30cm) – 3 x 20 secs

              The advanced tuck was supposed to be 5 x 7 secs but I’m a bit rusty and deconditioned.

              3 Jan

              7 stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard

              I have a list of 12 upper body stretches and I worked through a sample of them to see which ones are best.

              5 Jan

              Pseudo Waistline Hold – 2 x 2 x 10 secs
              PPPu – 5, 4
              PPPu Negatives – 2 x 8
              Planche Lean – 2 x 4 x 15 secs

              I’ve been dawdling with this one for too long so I’m ramping it up. The goal is a 20 second pseudo waistline hold so I moved it from 5 to 10 seconds and coped quite well. While I’m not racing to complete the full planche in the shortest time, I need some sort of urgency otherwise it will drag on forever.

              7 Jan

              Arnold Press – 3 x 12 x 9.5kg
              A1 Weighted Pull ups – 3 x 6 x 15kg
              A2 Pike Push up (feet elevated) – 3 x 9
              Handstand practice – 4 x 30 secs (60 secs rest)
              Reverse Table Top – 30 secs

              I had barely any time so I cut a minute rest from each set and supersetted the pull ups and push ups. It went well but fell apart a bit at the handstands, really need to carve out more time for the gym.

            Viewing 5 posts - 211 through 215 (of 562 total)