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  • in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10470

      WEEK 13

      29 Mar

      Broad Jumps – 7 (best of 254cm)
      A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
      A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
      2 step jumps – 3
      4 step jumps – 3
      2 step jumps – 4

      A few cm further in broad jumps, always nice to make progress. The intention was to do some full jumps but my technique immediately starts breaking down so I feel sticking to a 2 step is what’s best for me right now. I easily touched the rim, it’s certainly way down on 10ft so I will measure it next week. (edit: it’s 9ft5 or 287cm)

      31 Mar

      Seated Box Jumps – 3 x 5
      Split Jumps – 3 x 5 per side
      SL Line Hops – 3 x 20 secs per leg of Fwd/Bwd and Lateral

      The seated jumps were meant to be with feet in the same stance as they’d be from a running vert but that felt really unnatural so I just did the standard ones. I landed on grass to reduce the impact, I don’t have a suitable box to jump on.

      2 Apr

      Flying Runs – 6 x 20m
      Shock Jumps – 4 x 5 x 100cm
      Reverse Nordics (band assist) – 3 x 15
      Dominik Sky Beginner Abs – 1 circuit

      Flying runs are top speed runs but not accelerating maximally. The idea was to reduce fatigue but having thought about it the more sensible thing would be to make the run itself a little longer, so next week I’ll do 25m. I didn’t have my stopwatch so I’ve no idea what time they were but I felt very rusty.

      Someone messaged me about a good ab routine and I tried it out. I did one circuit in around 8 minutes, excluding the max. plank. I could have done more but I was worried I’d be hurting for days (I wasn’t).

      3 Apr

      Foam Rolling and Massage Gun

      Really liking the massage gun, main target was VMO, calves, adductors and glutes.

      4 Apr

      7 mobility stretches

      Here are my shock jumps, I wanted to avoid my heels touching which should be good for the Achilles and ankle strength.

      in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10469

        WEEK 12+1

        My plans for week 13 included a running track and a b’ball court, neither of which I can access until the 29th. It makes sense to extend this by one week so it aligns well.

        22 Mar

        Rest. While I want to do an extra week, the volume was probably too high at first and my body needs a rest.

        23 Mar

        Overhead Squat – 4 x 5 x 27.5kg
        A1 Med Ball Throws – 3 x 3
        A2 CMJ – 3 x 3
        Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
        Standing Calf Raise – 25 x 10kg
        Ab Ripper X – Half reps

        25 Mar

        SL Standing Calf Raise – 2 x 11
        Pogo Jumps – 3 x 20 secs
        Wall Drill – 2 x 6
        Arm Drill – 3 x 10
        Broad Jumps – 6
        A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
        A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
        2 step 2 footed jumps – 5 per side

        I realised the wall drill is very similar to the mechanics primer so I don’t need both. A calf raise is also similar to the dorsi drill I was doing and I’ve used the former in the warm up.

        26 Mar

        Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) – 8 x 20kg
        Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
        DB SLRDL – 3 x 6 x 8.5kg
        Hex Clean Pull – 5 x 2 x 80kg
        Reverse Nordics – 2 x 12
        Ab Ripper X

        I went too heavy with the deadlift and would be much better with a power exercise like clean pulls, which I’ve put in their place. I tried reverse nordics for the first time and enjoyed them.

        27 Mar

        Foam Rolling, Massage Gun

        I skipped the mobility this week but made sure to do a lot of soft tissue work.

        Here are the reverse nordics

        in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10468

          WEEK 12

          15 Mar

          Dorsi Drill – 3 x 15
          Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
          Wall Drill – 2 x 6
          Arm Drill – 2 x 10
          Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 2 sets
          Broad Jumps – 5
          A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
          A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
          2 step 2 footed jumps – 5 per side

          A shorter session than last Monday, better this way.

          16 Mar


          I purposefully miss one technical jumping day and one gym session each month as a rest for my body.

          18 Mar

          Dorsi Drill – 3 x 15
          Pogo Jumps – 5 x 20 secs
          Wall Drill – 3 x 6
          Arm Drill – 3 x 10
          Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
          Broad Jumps – 5
          A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
          A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
          2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side

          19 Mar

          Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) – 2 x 8 x 25kg
          Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
          DB SLRDL – 3 x 6 x 8.5kg
          Hex DL Singles – 130,130,137.5,142.5,147.5,152.5,152.5, 152.5kg
          Seated Calf Raise – 40kg x 50 reps total
          L-Sit hold – 8 x 20 secs

          Hex DL turned into ego lifting, should avoid 1RM and work with 80-90% at speed. I tweaked my back a little, enough to skip ab ripper x and do some L-sits instead.

          20 Mar

          Foam Rolling

          21 Mar

          Massage gun, 25 mins

          New toy, gave it a whirl and really like it. I mainly pummelled my calves but did a bit of adductors and glutes, calves hurt already which is exactly how they feel after a proper sports massage.

          in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10467

            WEEK 11

            8 Mar

            Dorsi Drill – 3 x 15
            Pogo Jumps – 5 x 20 secs
            Wall Drill – 2 x 6
            Arm Drill – 3 x 10
            Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
            Broad Jumps – 6
            A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 3 x 5
            A2 Mechanics Primer – 3 x 4
            2 step 2 footed jumps – 8 per side

            Tried a few extra attempts at the end, feel quite jaded after all that.

            9 Mar

            Patrick Step Up – 2 x 10 x 60kg
            Overhead Squat – 4 x 5 x 25kg
            A1 Med Ball Toss – 3 x 3 x 5kg
            A2 CMJ – 3 x 3, best of 57cm
            BB Drach RLESS – 3 x 6 x 26kg
            Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
            SL Standing Calf Raise – 2 x 12 x 10kg
            Ab Ripper X – Complete

            Probably a bit too high with volume at first, I felt very lethargic here and my CMJ showed it.

            11 Mar

            Dorsi Drill – 3 x 15
            Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
            Wall Drill – 2 x 6
            Arm Drill – 2 x 10
            Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
            Broad Jumps – 5
            A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 2 x 5
            A2 Mechanics Primer – 2 x 4
            2 step 2 footed jumps – 4 per side

            I experimented with a lighter session, trimming a few sets here and there and it felt better.

            12 Mar

            Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) – 3 x 6 x 22.5kg
            Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
            DB SLRDL – 3 x 6 x 8.5kg
            Hex DL Singles – 120,125,130,135,140,145,150,150kg
            Patrick Step Up – 2 x 10 x 60kg
            Seated Calf Raise – 40kg x 50 reps total
            Ab Ripper X – complete

            A few changes here, sissy squats replaced by hex DL singles, which were in Jump Science. I moved patrick step ups later in the session because they don’t really belong in a warm up at 60kg, more of an accessory lift.

            in reply to: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020) #10466

              WEEK 10

              1 Mar

              Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 3 x 15
              Pogo Jumps – 4 x 20 secs
              Wall Drill – 2 x 6
              Arm Drill – 2 x 10
              ENDED EARLY

              I accidentally let our indoor cat out and he went up a tree, so I had to abandon my session and help get him down.

              2 Mar

              Patrick Step Up – 2 x 10 x 60kg
              Overhead Squat – 4 x 5 x 20kg
              A1 Med Ball Toss – 3 x 3 x 5kg
              A2 CMJ – 3 x 3
              B1 BB Drach RLESS – 3 x 6 x 26kg
              B2 Split Jumps – 3 x 10
              Nordic Curls – 3 x 6
              SL Standing Calf Raise – 2 x 12 x 10kg
              Ab Ripper X – Complete

              I added in a standing calf raise because the other session has a seated one. I really like the combination of med ball toss and countermovement jump, and have since seen it used in a PJF Performance video so it stays.

              4 Mar

              Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
              Broad Jumps – 6, best of ?m
              A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 3 x 5
              A2 Mechanics Primer – 3 x 4
              2 step 2 footed jumps – 7 per side

              I allow myself to miss one technical jumping day and one weights session per week. With that in mind, I did the second half of my Monday session, meaning across 2 days I did 1 full session.

              5 Mar

              Patrick Step Up – 2 x 10 x 60kg
              Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) – 3 x 6 x 22.5kg
              Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
              DB SLRDL – 1 x 6 x 10kg, 2 x 6 x 8.5kg
              Sissy Squats – 5kg x 18,15,12 (max reps)
              Seated Calf Raise – 2 x 12 x 40kg
              Ab Ripper X – complete

              I added weight to the sissy squats but I think they need to go as I’m planning to make this a 4 month program and max reps of this is more of a month 1-2 exercise. The SLRDL finishes with arms overhead and when I watched myself back on video my elbows were bent and the weight looked sluggish, so I dropped it by 15%.

              7 Mar

              Rowing Machine – 2 x 1km in 3:58, 3:58
              7 stretches

              Here are the sissy squats, they torch your quads but that’s something I don’t want to do so late in the custom program.

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