Reply To: 2019 Training Log


    27 May

    Around The Square – 3 x 4
    Tuck Jumps – 1 x 10
    Back Squat – 4 x 8 x 100kg
    SLRDL – 1 x 8 x 50kg, 3 x 8 x 55kg
    BB Rev Lunge – 2 x 12 x 50kg
    Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs

    28 May

    BB Row – 5 x 8 x 70kg
    Bench Press – 6,6,6,6,4 x 90kg
    A1 Chin Ups – 11,11,9
    A2 EZ Decline Skull Crushers – 3 x 10 x 31kg
    Grass Run – 5.4km in ~29 mins (first 3km in 5:00 pace, next 2 in 6:00 pace)

    30 May

    Vert Test – 55.5cm/21.75″
    Power Clean – 3 x 1 x 80kg, 3 x 1 x 85kg
    Back Squat – 8,8,7,8 x 102.5kg
    A1 Hip Thrust – 4 x 8 x 105kg
    A2 Warrior Lunge – 4 x 15 secs
    Swiss Ball HS Curls – 15, 10
    B1 Dead Bug Twist – 12, 8, 10
    B2 Side Hip Thrust – 16, 9, 10
    C1 Single Leg Good Morning – 3 x 10 reps then 10 sec hold
    C2 Kneeling Lunge (raise and lower back knee = 1 rep) – 3 x 10 reps then 10 sec hold
    Half Splits PNF Stretch – 3 x 50 secs

    Doing some work on flexibility and included a front splits session at the end. Also doing Neanderthal No More to correct my posture which means supersetting a regular exercise with a stretch. Vert is where it started before doing vert shock last year and I’m quietly confident I’ll go higher next week with all this stretching.

    1 June

    Dip Shrug – 3 x 15
    A1 Incline Bench Press – 7,7,6 x 75kg
    A2 Trap Stretch – 3 x 15 secs
    B1 DB Row – 4 x 8 x 40kg
    B2 Pec Stretch – 4 x 15 secs
    C1 Rear Delt Raise – 3 x 10 x 2.5kg
    C2 Band Ext Rotation – 3 x 12
    D1 Close Grip Bench – 8,7,7 x 80kg
    D2 Concentration Curls – 3 x 8 x 17.5kg
    Jump Squats – 150 in 5:40

    Lots of supersets with all this postural work.

    2 June

    Shuttle Runs – 6 x (2 x 20m, 40m, 60m) in 2:05,2:11,2:11,2:15,2:18,2:08

    Around 240m of running despite my run tracker app claiming each one was 390m! I’m not conditioned enough to benefit from these 4 x 4 minute runs meaning my overall pace is so low. Instead I thought I’d cut it in half and increase the intensity, which felt beneficial.

    4 June

    Around The Square – 3 x 4
    Tuck Jumps – 1 x 10
    Back Squat – 8,8,8,7 x 102.5kg
    SLRDL – 4 x 8 x 60kg
    A1 BB Rev Lunge – 2 x 10 x 60kg
    A2 IT Band Stretch – 2 x 15 secs
    B1 Single Leg Good Morning – 3 x 10 reps then 10 sec hold
    B2 Kneeling Lunge (raise and lower back knee = 1 rep) – 3 x 10 reps then 10 sec hold
    Half Splits PNF Stretch – 3 x 50 secs
    Hollow Rock – 3 x 30 secs

    More splits training at the end. When I did the SLRDL I had a lot of extra RoM so it’s working. I could have got the last rep on back squat but I didn’t have safety bars so chickened out. I hurt in all sorts of new places with the extra postural work I’m doing.