Reply To: 2019 Training Log


    14 Feb

    Vert Test 52cm/20.5″
    Power Clean – 8 x 1 x 80kg
    Hex DL – 5 x 3 x 120kg
    Hip Thrust – 7,8,8,7 x 100kg
    Swiss Ball HS Curls – 13,12,11,11
    Conditioning (5 mountain climbers, 1 burpee x 25) – 8 mins 45 secs

    I had a 55cm vertical in May last year prior to doing Vert Shock, would like to be jumping higher than that this year (I’m considering another vert program). Switched cleans to singles, allows me more focus on maximising each rep and I used a loose 1 min rest. Having done all those lunges in my leg program I felt like increasing my volume, so instead of 3 sets of DL, Hip thrust and Swiss ball curls I did 5, 4 & 4 sets.