Reply To: 2018 Training Log


    29 Nov

    Standing Vert Test – 52cm/20.5in
    Power Clean – 3 x 3 x 60kg
    Hex DL – 3 x 3 x 110kg (focus on speed)
    Hip Thrust – 3 x 6 x 75kg
    Stir The Pot – 3 x 30 secs

    Tender adductors from earlier in the week, they really are a weak point. The vert test was moderately enthusiastic but I can go higher. Before vert shock I could do 55cm, weird if I can’t even achieve that. Adductors meant I skipped swiss ball hamstring curls and felt delicate doing deadlifts and hip thrusts.

    30 Nov

    Forearm Measurements – Left (11 1/4″), Right (11 1/8″)
    Grip Dynamometer – Left (47.2kg, 43kg, 50.1kg), Right (51.4kg, 53.3kg, 52.1kg)
    Rack Pull 140kg – 2.5 seconds

    I’m doing a grip strength 30 day challenge, using only the Power Ball gyroscope for training. These were pre-measurements. Surprised that my dominant arm (left) is weaker.

    Incline Bench Press – 3 x 6 x 67.5kg
    One Arm DB Row – 3 x 7 x 35kg
    Close Grip Bench Press – 6 x 67.5kg, 2 x 6 x 70kg
    Inverted Rows – 3 x 12
    EZ Reverse Curl – 3 x 8 x 21kg
    Stomach Vacuums – 4 x 10 secs

    Power Ball – 5 x 8 seconds per arm
    Finger Extensions – 2 x 20

    The Power Ball was much harder than I thought. I planned to reach top speed and hold it for 10-15 seconds, but very quickly decided 8 seconds was more than enough. I’m not neglecting finger extensions, which train different muscles of the hand and forearm.

    2 Dec

    Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m (2 mins) in 1:51.7, 1:50.2, 1:52.2, 1:51.0

    Power Ball – 5 x 8 seconds per arm
    Finger Extensions – 2 x 20

    Much better sequence, was trying to go under 1:53 average. Listened to EDM on headphones, seems to help distract me. Last rep was tough, pretended I was competing and needed a strong finish.