Reply To: 2016 Training Log


    17 May

    Rowing Machine – 1000m in 3:59, 3:57 (2 mins)

    19 May

    Agile 8 warm up
    Box Jumps – 3 x 5 x 5kg
    Hex DL – 15,12,10 x 80kg + 1 min skipping
    DB Lunge – 3 x 20 x 10kg + 1 min skipping
    RDL – 15,12,10 x 60kg + 1 min skipping
    Tabata – Squat, Burpee, Mountain Climb, Skip x 2 rounds

    20 May

    Frogstand – 60 secs total
    Chinups – 3 x 10
    Dips – 3 x 10
    Reverse Crunch – 3 x 10
    Squat to calf raise – 3 x 10
    Pushups – 25,25,19

    A1 Jumping Jacks 3 x 30 secs
    A2 Mountain Climbers 3 x 30 secs

    21 May

    Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m (1 min) in 1:55.3, 1:57.7, 1:59.1, 1:57.6

    24 May

    Narrow Press ups – 30
    Dips – 20
    Handstand – 60 secs
    Push Press – 25 x 1 x 65kg
    Pull ups – 8,7,7,5,4 x 5kg
    OH Tricep Press – 12 x 22.5kg, 3 x 10 x 30kg
    Seated Incline DB Curls – 8 x 12.5kg, 4 x 8 x 15kg
    V-Sit – 32 total

    26 May

    Agile 8 warm up
    Box Jumps – 3 x 5 x 5kg
    Hex DL – 15,12,10 x 90kg + 1 min skipping
    DB Lunge – 3 x 20 x 10kg + 1 min skipping
    RDL – 15,12,10 x 60kg + 1 min skipping
    Tabata – Squat, Burpee, Mountain Climb, Skip x 2 rounds

    27 May

    Frogstand – 75 secs total
    Chinups – 3 x 10
    Dips – 3 x 10
    Reverse Crunch – 3 x 10
    Squat to calf raise – 3 x 10
    Pushups – 30,23,25

    A1 Jumping Jacks 3 x 30 secs
    A2 Mountain Climbers 3 x 30 secs

    28 May

    Rowing Machine – 2000m in 8:08.9

    Faded in the final 500m, first ever 2k attempt.