Reply To: Custom 8 Week 2k Rowing Program (Sept 2018)


    5 Sept

    15 min warm up
    10 x 1 min row, 1 min easy row/rest @ 1:53-1:56 pace, DF 137
    Average pace 1:53.7, Fastest 1:52.7, Slowest 1:55.3
    Power Clean – 3 x 6 x 50kg
    Front Squat – 4 x 8 x 60kg
    RDL – 8,8,6,6 x 70kg (no straps)
    A1 Pushups – 2 x 20
    A2 Batwing Rows – 15, 12 x 15kg
    Front Plank – 2 x 40 secs
    Side Plank – 2 x 30 secs

    Good session, pace was a little harder to hold than I was expecting. The gym is about preventing injury and not gains, so I’m under no pressure to push myself. I think grip comes into play during rowing so my RDL was without straps, and that was the reason I didn’t manage 8 reps in all sets. Planks involved lifting a limb here and there to make it a challenge.