Reply To: Get Vertical Program (July 2018)


    6 August

    Vert Re-Test – 59cm/23.2″
    Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
    Hex Bar Squat Jumps – 3 x 8 x 45kg
    Speed Squat – 5 x 2 x 75kg (45 secs)
    1/2 Back Squat – 4 x 120kg, 3,2,2,2 x 125kg
    RDL – 3 x 90kg, 3 x 100kg, 2 x 3 x 110kg
    Stomach Vacuums – 8 x 10 secs (doing these daily)

    Week 4-6 sees heavier squats and in some cases fewer reps. Surprised myself with RDL, filmed it to check back stayed flat.

    7 August

    Bench Press – 6 x 80kg, 4,4,4,6 x 85kg
    Barbell Rows – 5 x 6 x 70kg
    Push Press – 4 x 4 x 55kg
    Weighted Chin Ups – 4 x 6 x 10kg

    9 August

    Rowing Machine – 800m (~2:45) 300m (1:10)

    This was a 3 x 1000m rowing challenge but we ended up attempting 800,800,800,600 with me on first and last legs. Didn’t recover at all well and completely blew up trying to hold any kind of pace the second time and had to change. Kind of ruined it for the team as it was my suggestion to stop at 800m on my row as I felt my pace dropping. We came 3rd out of 3.

    Evening Session:

    Depth Jumps – 3 x 8 x 70cm
    DB Split Squat Jumps – 3 x 8 x 7kg
    Power Clean – 5 x 3 x 75kg
    Top Squat ISO – 4 x 5 x 3 secs
    Bulgarian Squat ISO – 2 x 4 x 50kg, 4 x 55kg (7 secs)

    Power Cleans were too easy and I haven’t learned the new technique well enough to consider it practice. Depth jumps weren’t too bad at all given the height, needed high level of focus to avoid injury.

    Here’s a few depth jumps from 70cm…