Reply To: 2018 Training Log


    17 April

    Rowing Machine – 2.25km in 10 mins, 4km in 16:57.4

    18 April

    AM Fasted Walking – 40 mins

    19 April

    Football (8-a-side) – 60 mins

    22 April

    Vertical Jump Test (tip to tip on a wall with chalk)
    Standing reach – 225cm
    Jumping reach – 280cm
    CMJ Vertical Jumps – 50cm, 52cm, 55cm @ 69.4kg BW

    Power Cleans – 50kg x 4,1,1,1,1,1,1
    V-Sit ups – 3 x 15
    Clap Push ups – 2 x 10
    Lying Leg Raise – 3 x 15
    3 Way Planks – 3 x 90 secs total
    Prone Hyperextensions – 3 x 10

    I finished a 70 day cut and was down to around 68.5kg by the end. I had a sizeable cheat meal (2600kcal) and also had a night out with work on the Thursday, so calories varied hugely. I did my best to steer my average in the right direction and ended on P165 C219 F106 Cals 2500 for the week (Mon-Sun).

    Going forwards the target is P150 C190 F80 Cals 2100 with more carbs on workout days. When I brought my calories down for the cut (see Six Pack in Six Weeks) I had really good mental clarity when carbs were around 170-190g and it’s something very valuable to me in my line of work so I want to try that out long term.

    The next self-experiment will be improving my vertical jump, specifically through 7 weeks of Vert Shock. I’ve looked through the four workouts it’s based on and included some of the ab exercises today (22nd) to get used to them. I’ll be doing two weeks of general training before I run the program because i’m really busy the weekend after next and couldn’t squeeze in the vert shock workouts.