Reply To: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023)


    Comp 8

    11 Aug

    Drills – AABB x 2
    Bike Tempo – 111,212,212,111 lvl 6, 150W
    GS Circuit – 10 reps (5:02)

    Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Circuits (110 reps)

    12 Aug

    Drills – A Walk, A March, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
    Skips for Height, Distance, Bounds – 2 x 20m
    4 x 10m falling with cones
    2×20,2x30m in 4.40, 4.47 (2nd run in headwind)
    60m – 7.73 (+2 wind)
    Broad Jump Triples – 4 sets (7.28m, 7.60m, 7.78m, 7.62m)

    Drills (320m), Accels (180m), Jumps (12), Max Vel (30m)

    13 Aug

    Drills – AABB x 2
    Bike Tempo – 111,31213,111 lvl 6, 150W
    Speed Code Week 8 Day 2

    Drills (160m), Bike Tempo (1600m), Core (8 sets), Mobility (6 sets)

    14 Aug

    MB Throws – 4 x 2
    Drills – A Walk, A Skip, A Switch, Triple A – 2 x 20m
    Drills – ACK, Dribble Bleed, SL bound w run out – 2 x 20m
    Wicket runs – 6 x 20m (2x183cm,191,199,206,211,216)
    80m (40/20/20) in 5.43, 2.20, 2.24 (9.89)
    100m (40/30/30) in 5.52, 3.50, 3.45 (12.49)
    120m (40/30/30/20) in 5.61, 3.39, 3.48, 2.36 (14.85)
    Reactive Step Up Jump – 3 x 5
    Ankle Overcoming Isometric – 3 x 5 secs
    Glute Overcoming Isometric – 4 x 5 secs

    Drills (400m), Max Velocity (270m), Accels (90m), Jumps (15), Circuit (35 reps), Throws (8)

    The wind was -2 m/s gusting up to -5 m/s. Quite hard to judge any of the times when it’s gusting as you can’t tell how strong it’s blowing as you run.

    15 Aug

    The Speed Code – Week 8 Day 4 (core/mobility)

    Core sets (8), Mobility sets (6)

    17 Aug

    Plyo Series – 2 x 3
    Broad Jump – 251cm
    30m in 4.34 (+2 m/s wind)
    60m (40/20) in 5.52/2.18 (7.70)
    80m (40/20/20) in 5.46/2.16/2.20 (9.82)
    100m (40/30/30) in 5.43/3.28/3.29 (12.00)
    Bench Press – 2 x 2 x 97.5kg

    Jumps (33), Accel (120m), Max Vel (150m), Upper body (390kg)

    I decided this session on the fly and was happy with the execution. Someone else was doing sprints (rare at my track) so I asked if he’d like to race for my last rep. He was Spain’s U18 400m champion and could probably run 11.1 if not faster, but it was really nice to get that added focus of competing.

    I’ve revised the final week of training to reduce the volume even further. From reading one of Verkhoshansky’s textbooks I remember that no longer feeling sore still means there’s about 8 days before you actually peak so I’d like to err on the side of lower volume.

    I have absolutely no expectations for my final race and would be very pleased with another legal sub-12 and thrilled with a season’s best (currently 11.90).