Reply To: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023)


    Comp 4

    14 Jul

    The Speed Code – Week 6 Day 6 (core/mobility)

    Core sets (9), Mobility sets (9)

    15 Jul

    Drills – AABB x2
    Drills – ACK, SL Scissor x 2
    2 x 40m build ups
    Grass Tempo – 10 x 100m with stretching
    A1 Pull ups – 2 x 8
    A2 Handstands – 2 x 30 secs

    Drills (400m), Tempo (1000m), Upper Body (1120kg)

    16 Jul

    MB Throws – 4 x 3
    Blocks – 3 x 30m
    60, 80, 120m (95%)

    Throws (12), Accels (180m), Max Velocity (170m)

    I didn’t time my longer runs because then I might not focus on the relaxation aspect of running 95%. The 120m was into a big headwind but the other two runs felt very fluid.

    17 Jul

    Drills – AABB x2
    Drills – ACK, SL Scissor x 2
    2 x 40m build ups
    Grass Tempo – 10 x 100m with stretching

    19 Jul – Race Day

    Sutcliffe Park Open Meeting – 100m

    11.90 (+1.9 m/s wind)

    My warm up is a quite ridiculous 80 minutes so I tried to cut it to 60 mins. I ditched a lot of drills and didn’t time myself for 30m or a flying run because it potentially fatigues me too much.

    The race itself was good, someone was twitching a lot and we must have been held for 5 seconds on “set” which didn’t help things. The guy next to me ran a similar time but I left him out the blocks and he came back in the middle part of the race. I thought I held speed much better to the line and I generally felt fast on the day.

    A bit surprised by the wind reading, I noticed a tail wind warming up but it had settled by the time the races started. Given that I’m carrying a bit of a cold I will take that time and look to run similar if not a little faster in the final race of the season.

    Edit: Didn’t realise the race was filmed