Reply To: Full Summer Sprint Program (Mar 2023)


    Comp 1

    23-26 Jun

    Away in Germany, not the best sleep but ate a lot of good food so feeling moderately recovered.

    27 Jun

    MB Throws – 4 x 3
    MB Throws – 2 x 3
    Broad Jump – 254cm
    Blocks – 20,30,40m
    4 x 60m (30/30f) – swirling wind
    4.37/3.38 (7.75)
    4.40/3.39 (7.79)
    4.42/3.41 (7.83)
    4.36/3.45 (7.81)
    Back Squat – 3 x 3 x 110kg

    PM Session
    Bench Press – 3 x 3 x 95kg
    DB Row – 2 x 6 x 40kg
    Pull ups – 2 x 6 x 10kg

    I’m pushed for time in my lunch break so I moved my upper body to after work. The 60m runs were all 95%, maybe more like 98%, but I didn’t feel great so no surprise the times reflect that.

    28 Jun

    Drills – AABB x 2
    Bike Tempo – 111,312,212,111 lvl 6, 140W
    A1 Pull ups – 2 x 8
    A2 Handstands – 2 x 25 secs

    My next race is Wed 19th July and I’ve planned my sessions up to then. There will be a decent taper this time and then up to 3 more races in August depending on how I feel. If the earlier races go well I can end the season on 16th August, if not I’ll do a final run on the 28th.