Reply To: Full Winter Sprint Program (Sept 2022)


    Comp Week 3 of 8

    21 Jan

    Box Jumps – 3 x 3
    MB Throws – 2 x 3
    Blocks – 10,20,30,40*,50m
    * the 40 was from a 3 point as I was filming something
    70,80,90m in 9.00, 10.08, 11.21
    Back Squat – 3 x 2 x 107.5kg
    Bench Press -3 x 2 x 87.5kg
    Stomach Vacuums – 6 x 10 secs

    22 Jan

    Bike Tempo – 2 x 6 x 45 on/15 off (level 5, 100rpm, 140W)
    Mobility – 6 exercises
    Drills – ABAB x 2
    A1 Pull ups – 2 x 11
    A2 L-Sit Hold – 2 x 18 secs

    23 Jan

    CMJ – 4, best of 56cm
    Broad Jump – 4, best of 234cm
    MB Throws – 4 x 3
    Accels – 3 x 40m in 5.80
    2 x 70m (WB recovery) in 9.36, 9.47
    2 x 80m (WB recovery) in 10.54, 10.63
    Back Squat – 3 x 2 x 115kg
    Bench Press – 3 x 2 x 95kg
    Sprinter Sit Ups – 3 x 9 x 20kg

    I like lifting doubles in the gym, good to bring volume down. Runs were so slow, I seem to have this hangover from the speed session 48 hours earlier. Running 70m in 9.36 having run it in 9.00 two days ago surely means I’m not going close enough to my max to make improvements. This is more of an endurance, hence the walk back recovery, but it shouldn’t be this slow.

    24 Jan

    Bike Tempo – 111,21312,111 (level 5, 90rpm, 120W)
    Mobility – 6 exercises

    Again a lack of enthusiasm and I couldn’t even muster the energy to do bike tempo properly.

    25 Jan

    Plyometrics – 3 x 20m
    Blocks – 30,40,50m
    2 x 80m in 10.78, 10.64
    300m in 45.8

    It’s either tiredness or it’s the temperature, because it was 3 degrees outside and windy today. I’m going to give it one more chance when I’m fresh but if that doesn’t go well I’m moving to bike sessions if the temperature is below 7 degrees as my legs just don’t seem to get moving (despite 2x lycra). I ran 10.08 on Saturday and a full 0.7 seconds slower here.

    I read online that you should be running at least 97% of max speed to improve, which also made me consider how I’m timing these runs. If I have multiple runs I will try to time both the full distance and maybe get a flying time which can more easily be converted to %s of my best. I know roughly how fast I can cover 10 metres at top speed so if I can time a flying 20-40m and take the average per 10m that will allow me to track progress each week.