Reply To: 2009 Training Log


    21 Sept 2009 was the start of my 2009-10 sprint season.

    21 Sept

    Tempo, 4×100 (16), 4×100 (15), 3×100 (14)
    Nekka, 20 reps

    Bench Press
    2 x 8 x 67.5kg
    1 x 9 x 67.5kg

    In at the deep end a bit with tempo, first run was 20s and we didn’t count it, pacing was hard. Nekka was fine, did bench earlier in the day to see if I get doms.

    22 Sept

    Jumps & JJ, 5 @ 105cm
    30cm depth jump onto HJ mat, 2 x 5
    2 x 5 x 15m Sled runs (red)
    Seated Henks, 3 x 15s

    Gentle start with the jumps. Sled was too light, was almost top speed. Technique itself felt pretty good. First weights session, ISO ham holds and squats, weak back and felt sore to carry 109kg on the shoulders at first.

    23 Sept

    Hurdles drills, 3 of each
    Tempo, 100, 30s, 100, 50m JB/WB or 100m WB x 6
    Nekka 20 reps
    Waterloo 20 reps

    Didn’t want to push the tempo early on, struggled with the press ups in waterloo due to bench press doms from Monday. Worked hard on hurdle mobility drills as they are one of my weaknesses.

    26 Sept

    2 x 4 x 15m (3 point, 4min/5min)

    Bent Over Rows
    3 x 8 x 32.5kg

    Feel that the first 15m of my 60m is where I am weakest, and if I can improve that then it’s easier to follow that out to 20, 30m. Must keep hips up and drive in a piston action from the start. A few weights to finish.

    28 Sept

    Circuits, Only a few 50m runs

    Lots of press-ups, shoulders were killing.

    29 Sept

    Throws, 3 x 10
    Hills, 2 x 10 runs
    Upper Body Circuit x 3, dips (9), bar walks, pullups (8), henks 20s, rope climb
    Abs 3 mins

    Pleased with hills, moving smoothly and holding back power. Circuits were tough, good to get henking again.

    30 Sept

    Circuit taken by Will G, 75m runs
    2 Upper, 2 Lower Body Weights
    Abs 3.5 mins

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    8 x 60kg
    6 x 60kg

    Explosive Push ups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    10 x 15kg
    10 x 20kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 18 x 15kg

    Circuit was ok once I got going, some of the exercises look a bit stupid. Weights were killer as I did squats & deadlift earlier in the day, really like the complexes and especially weighted lunges.