Reply To: 2009 Training Log


    1 Oct

    Throws, 8
    Jumps, 8
    Hills, 2 x 10
    UB Circuit x 3, dips (11), p bars, pullups (10), rope climb, handstands, henks 20s

    Started off with pretty bad doms but the warmup and dynamic stretches loosened me up quite well. Jump-jumped 1m quite comfortably. Hills are good, grab the money cue for arms, push back piston action with legs and strong arm swing. Good upper body, once I get some rest I’m going to be strong as.

    2 Oct

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 8 x 20kg

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 10 x 5kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    10 x 9kg
    10 x 10kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    2 x 6 x 50lb

    Bent Over Rows
    8 x 35kg
    9 x 35kg

    Explosive Pushups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    2 x 5 x 25kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 15kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 10 x 10kg

    Throws, 8
    Abs 3 mins

    Loved every minute, I can see how the exercises relate to sprinting and feel good doing them.

    4 Oct

    3 x 3 x 30m hill runs
    Hard Tempo, 4×100, 3×100, 4×100 (30 sec/2.5 min)
    Deadlift to failure

    Hill was shallower than the other one, worked on first stride and staying down to the top. Found tempo quite tough, but paced it right so wasn’t overly dead at the end.

    5 Oct

    Bench Press
    2 x 8 x 72kg
    1 x 9 x 72kg

    Good strong bench, creatine definitely helping the situation and the unilateral work must aid it too.

    7 Oct

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 9 x 50kg

    Explosive Pushups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    2 x 7 x 25kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 16 x 20kg

    PM Circuits x 2
    Abs 3 mins

    Not that tiring, feel fine afterwards.

    8 Oct

    Hills, 3 x 3 x 30m
    Tempo, 4×100, 3×100, 4×100 (30s/2.5mins)
    Abs 3 mins

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 12 x 5kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 10 x 17.5kg

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 9 x 35kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 10 x 10kg

    Liked the weights, much more on the SL straight leg DL, really felt that complex with hyper ext.. Hills were slightly better, loosened up hip flexors earlier in the day and was able to bring my thigh up more, need to get full extension on each stride. Tempo was much easier than last week, cruised the whole thing at about 6/10.

    9 Oct

    Circuits x 2
    Abs 3 mins

    Getting fitter as these weren’t too taxing, runs extended to 100m next time.

    10 Oct

    Jumps, 6
    Hills, 20

    Quick morning session, didn’t realise how sore I was until I started running. Was odd at first adapting to the steeper hill, got the hang of it in the 2nd set.

    11 Oct

    Front Squat
    8 x 81kg
    9 x 81kg
    8 x 85.5kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 10 x 18kg

    Bench Press
    3 x 8 x 74.2kg

    Explosive Push ups
    3 x 8

    Strong front squats, worked the hamstrings in SL RDL’s and upped my bench. Everything’s going well.

    12 Oct

    Throws, 5
    Circuits x 2, 85m runs
    Abs 4 mins

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 5kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 10 x 50kg

    Explosive Push ups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    18 x 25kg
    20 x 25kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    Can’t believe I did weights 1, did a lot yesterday but body was fine. Circuits were a bit harder today, wasn’t feeling great as I’d woken up from a nap just before. Abs were tough, second set of marching gets me every time.

    13 Oct

    Jumps, 8 (115cm jump jump)
    Hills, 2 x 8
    Gymnastics x 3, pullups 18,11,10, dips, handstands, rope climb
    Henks 3 x 25s

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 12 x 5kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 10 x 20kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    2 x 7 x 55lb

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 9 x 37.5kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 12 x 10kg

    Liked the new drills, hip flexors were worked and run-outs felt great. Managed a p.b. in jumps 8 times, pleased. Hills were good too, need a more upright torso when doing falling starts. Gymnastics was tough as weights were after, henks were good. Weights were killer, 14 reps on SL hyper extension ruined my back.

    14 Oct

    Throws, 5
    Circuits x 2, 85m
    Hurdles, 3

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 10 x 55kg

    Explosive Pushups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    2 x 10 x 27.5kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    Abs 4 mins

    Hip flexors didn’t like drills 2 days in a row, nor did they enjoy hurdles after the circuit. Weights were fine, abs difficult. Feel so fit already, can’t wait to run.

    15 Oct

    Hills, 2×8
    Gymnastics x 3, 12 dips & pullups, 2 handstands
    Henks, 2 x 25s

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 10 x 6kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 8 x 25kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    2 x 8 x 55lb

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 9 x 40kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 8 x 15kg

    Abs 4 mins (planks)

    More drills! Feel the benefit of them and with a rest over the weekend I can’t wait to see what shape I’m in next week. Eased off on gymnastics so I could do weights, hyper extension with less range of motion was miles better for my back, SL RDL with 25kg and rowed 40kg. Have done 5 days of weights so my body is overdue a rest.

    17 Oct

    Hills, 3 x 30m
    Tempo, 3 sets 4×100 (30s/3 min)
    Abs 4 mins

    Kept a good position in the hills, need a quick first few strides not lingering. Don’t overstride when getting the right position. Tempo was a breeze, hit 15.5s the whole time. Solid week.

    19 Oct

    Jumps, 5
    Hurdles, 3
    Circuits, 2 (100m)
    Abs 4 mins

    DB Lunges
    2 x 10 x 20kg

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    10 x 60kg
    10 x 65kg

    Explosive Push ups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    2 x 8 x 30kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    Felt less fresh than I expected after resting. Seem to lag behind a bit in circuits. Weights were tough, no real desire to lift (big deal for me), set a few p.b’s so can’t be too bad. Last week of these exercises.

    20 Oct

    Throws, 5
    Hills, 2 x 8
    Gymnastics x 3
    Henks, 3 x 25s

    Lunge Jumps
    10 x 6kg
    8 x 6kg

    Lunge Jumps
    10 x 6kg
    8 x 6kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    2 x 8 x 60lb

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 10 x 40kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 9 x 15kg

    Abs 4 mins (bridges)

    Good hills. Gymnastics was ok, chest felt tight and a bit sore so didn’t push it. Same with weights.

    21 Oct

    Jumps, 5
    Hurdles, 2
    Circuits, 2 (100m)

    Explosive Push ups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    2 x 20 x 30kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    DB Lunges
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 9 x 70kg

    Abs 4 mins

    Poor jumps, felt like I had a weight hooked to the back of me, struggled with 1 metre. Circuits were better, good riddance to bear crawls. Stronger in weights 1 than Monday, good set of abs work too.

    22 Oct

    Hills, 2 x 8
    Throws, 5
    Gymnastics, 2
    Henks, 2 x 25s

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 6 x 6kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 12 x 27.5kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    2 x 9 x 60lb

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 9 x 42.5kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 10 x 15kg

    Abs 4 mins (bridges)

    Great feedback from Jonas TD about my position. Upright torso in falling start and piston action in first stride from previous runs. Feel each stride, go 95%, raise hips and get full extension each time, feels slower but more powerful, almost exaggerated striding. Tough gymnastics, 23 pullups in 2nd set. Good weights, last superset focussed on using glutes/hips and that saved my back.

    24 Oct

    Hills 3 x 30m
    Tempo, 4×100, 5×100, 4×100 (30s, 3 mins)
    Abs 4 mins

    Lifting hips in hills and taking the time on each stride. Could feel the extra power in my glutes, need to relax upper body and keep the arm swings. Tempo was fine, hitting 15.5 to 16 each time, keep head down, hips high and stepping over when I bring my foot through.

    26 Oct

    Jumps, 5
    Hurdles, 3
    Tempo, 11, 222, 11
    Circuits x 2

    Explosive Push ups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    20 x 32.5kg
    19 x 32.5kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    DB Lunges
    2 x 20 x 22.5kg

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 5 x 5kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 9 x 75kg

    Abs 4 mins

    Tempo was nothing, 4/10. Tough new circuits. Missed a rep on alternate bench but good apart from that.

    27 Oct

    Throws, 5
    (Sled, Falling Run x2) 15m, 4 sets
    Gymnastics, 3 sets
    Henks, 3 x 25s

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 6 x 6kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 11 x 30kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    9 x 60lb
    6 x 60lb slow

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 11 x 42.5kg

    Plate Toss
    2 x 10 x 15kg

    Abs 4 mins (bridges)

    Long session. Pushing with the legs in throws, feel better. Drills were hard to get right, worked my calves lots. Sleds were good, not rushing it and making sure i’m in a good driving position. Last set in spikes felt great. Gymnastics, kept it at sets of 10, double rope climb. Weights were great, fresh and lifting more. Abs to finish.

    28 Oct

    Tempo, 15×3, 15, 30,30, 15, 15×3
    Hurdles, 2
    Circuits x 2

    Explosive Push ups
    2 x 8

    Alternate DB Bench
    20 x 35kg
    18 x 35kg

    Seated Weight Twists
    2 x 20 x 20kg

    DB Lunges
    2 x 20 x 22.5kg

    Explosive Jumps
    2 x 6 x 4kg

    Step Ups 30cm
    2 x 9 x 75kg

    Abs 4 mins

    Had doms in glutes, quads and hammies, jumped ok. Lunch hadn’t settled and I found tempo harder because of that. Had nothing left by circuits, put in a poor show. Weights were ok, really need a break though.

    29 Oct

    Throws, 5
    Hills, 3 x 5 (1.5 min, 3 min)
    Gymnastics x 2
    Henks, 2 x 25s

    Lunge Jumps
    2 x 6 x 6kg

    SL Straight Leg DL
    2 x 10 x 32.5kg

    Eccentric SL Ham Curls
    7 x 60lb slow
    7 x 65lb slow

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 8 x 45kg
    2 x 10 x 30kg

    Bent Over Rows
    2 x 8 x 45kg
    2 x 10 x 30kg

    Abs 4 mins (bridges)

    Much more co-ordinated in the drills. Good hills, not rushing my strides. Weights were fine, next week will drop it down a bit to recover.

    30 Oct

    Bench Press
    8 x 67.5kg
    8 x 74.2kg
    8 x 81kg
    4 x 90kg

    31 Oct

    Hills, 2 x 4 x 40m (2.5min/ 4min)
    Tempo, 5×100, 4×100, 5×100 (30s/3 min)
    Abs 4 mins

    Hills were ok but I’m noticeably staying down longer than I would on the track. Tempo was fine, hit 15.5s.