Reply To: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022)


    WEEK 2

    19 July

    Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 15,11,10,9,8 (180 secs)
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 40
    Passive Hang – 40 secs

    21 July

    Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 15,12,11,9,8 (180 secs)
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 40
    Passive Hang – 45 secs

    I’m starting to get mild pain in my days off, a little in the elbow but mainly my hands. I added in some forearm stretches and plan to do some soft tissue work to keep on top of things.

    23 July

    Pull / Chin / Pull / Chin / Pull – 14,13,12,11,9 (180 secs)

    I completed all these with good form. I’m quite intimidated by the five remaining weeks but I’ll do what I can.

    24 July

    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 40

    Yesterday’s session was followed by a run so I did abs this morning instead. I’m getting a level of soreness that wasn’t there in the phase 1 program so dialling in my nutrition and recovery to keep on top of the training volume.

    Here’s the final set of 8 reps from the 22nd July