Reply To: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022)


    WEEK 4

    7 June

    Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 8,10,6,6,2 (90 secs)
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 30 secs
    Side Plank – 2 x 60 secs
    Passive Hang – 45 secs

    9 June

    Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 11,6,8,6,2 (90 secs)
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 30 secs
    Side Plank – 2 x 60 secs
    Passive Hang – 45 secs

    11 June

    Partial Curl ups – 70
    Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 10,10,7+3,none,2 (90-120 secs)

    I was doing some other fitness and strength tests this weekend and having done a maximum set of push ups and partial curl ups earlier in the day I was a little worse for wear. I also moved a sprint session to Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday and these pull up sets were after everything else. I took a brief rest before completing the other 3 neutral grip pull ups, and forgot that there was ab work to do as well.

    That should be the only disruption and I’d like to think I can do the rest of this program without missing a rep.