Reply To: 7 Week Pullup Program (May 2022)


    24 May

    Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 6,5,4,6,5 (90 secs)
    Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 10 per leg
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs

    Note that the previous week was also a hollow body hold i.e. static, and not a hollow rock.

    26 May

    Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 8,5,5,4,4 (90 secs)
    Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 10 per leg
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs

    28 May

    Pull / Chin / Neutral / Chin / Pull – 5,9,5,5,5 (90 secs)
    Hollow Body Hold – 2 x 25 secs
    Wall Press Heel Taps – 2 x 10 per leg

    The hollow body hold is the harder of the two so I did that first. I was expecting the reps to ramp up faster but I suppose this program is also for people who can only do 7-8 pull ups so they’d already be near their max.

    Here’s my 12 dead hang pullups from day 0