Reply To: 30 Day Dead Hang Challenge (Apr 2022)


    25 April (Day 13) – 5 x 47, 2 x 47, 2 x 47

    This was with 2 minutes rest which made me realise my 42 seconds were meant to be with 105 secs (2.5 x 42) but I’d been using 85 seconds, probably because that’s what I set the rest on days 2-6. It was far more manageable with this setup.

    26 April (Day 14) – 5 x 47, 4 x 47

    I was getting forearm pain this morning so I added in work on the forearm extensors, namely expanding my fingers in the top of a sports sock, 1 rep per 2 seconds of hanging. I’d do 47 secs hanging, 23-24 reps per arm extensor work, then the next set. It’s a bit harder than just resting but otherwise the 2 minutes is just dead time.

    27 April (Day 15) – 5 x 47, 4 x 47

    28 April (Day 16) – 3 x 3 x 47

    I tried 3 sets in the morning and three either side of my workout, less fatigue this way.

    29 April (Day 17) – 4 x 53, 3 x 53, 26,13,13

    I had a really busy day at work and completely forgot about hanging until around 9.30pm. I tried to condense the workout into 2 x 4 x 53 but I was too tired for the final rep so I chopped it up into smaller hangs.

    30 April (Day 18) – 4 x 47, 5 x 47

    1 May (Day 19) – 3 x 47, 3 x 47, 3 x 47

    I will have to sneak some more hangs in this evening as I’m short on time. I do all these in my garage but it would be so much easier to install a doorway pull up bar in the house.

    This was back on day 3