Reply To: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021)


    7 Feb

    Throw Ins (Session 24) – 10 throws, median 19.8m

    A really strong start then faded a bit. New personal best of 21.8m and my first five were the longest 5 throws.

    9 Feb

    Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 80kg
    Push Press – 5 x 4 x 55kg
    A1 EZ Skull Crushers – 3 x 8 x 31kg
    A2 EZ Bicep Curl – 3 x 8 x 31kg

    12 Feb

    Incline Bench Press – 5 x 4 x 70kg
    DB Pullover – 5 x 4 x 25kg
    A1 DB Row – 3 x 8 x 30kg
    A2 Pull ups – 3 x 7
    Rotator Cuff Resistance Band – 2 x 10

    I like these two sessions a lot. My incline was set one higher (by mistake) so it was tougher. One more week of this 🙂