Reply To: Soccer Ball Throw Ins (Oct 2021)


    GPP (4 week block)

    3 Jan 2022

    A1 Bench Press – 4 x 8 x 60kg
    A2 Underhand Barbell Rows – 4 x 8 x 60kg
    B1 Push Press – 3 x 5 x 50kg
    B2 Pull ups – 3 x 6
    V situps – 3 x 15
    Russian Twists – 3 x 20 x 10kg

    I know a rule of thumb is that you should be able to row what you can bench, so I kept both at 60kg. For push press I couldn’t be bothered to take my 15kg plates off the bar so I used that and was disappointed I couldn’t do 8 reps.

    5 Jan

    A1 Bench Press – 4 x 8 x 62.5kg
    A2 Underhand Barbell Rows – 4 x 8 x 62.5kg
    B1 Push Press – 3 x 6 x 50kg
    B2 Pull ups – 3 x 6
    V situps – 3 x 15
    Russian Twists – 3 x 30 x 10kg

    Quite quick to jump up the weight and will probably do the same next week. My 1RM should still be about 100kg so 60kg is quite comfortable.

    8 Jan

    EZ Bar Skull Crushers – 4 x 8 x 33.5kg
    EZ Bicep Curls – 4 x 8 x 26kg
    MB Slams – 4 x 5 x 5kg
    Planks (1 arm 1 leg) – 3 x 60 secs

    I must have miscalculated last time because 33.5kg was a bit too heavy for me, 31kg must be what I meant to write. Bicep curls can go heavier, but overall a solid week of training.