Reply To: 2021 Training Log


    2 Nov

    Front Squat – 5 x 50kg, 5 x 57.5kg, 10 x 65kg
    Around The Square – 3 x 4
    Straight Leg DL – 5 x 10 x 42.5kg

    I had a week off which coincided nicely with laser tattoo removal. Still have some residual heavy leggedness so I didn’t max out on the 5+ set of front squats. I also skipped ahead in 5/3/1 so instead of the 75kg template I’m using the 77.5kg.

    4 Nov

    Straight Leg DL – 5 x 42.5kg, 5 x 50kg, 12 x 55kg
    Front Squat – 5 x 10 x 55kg
    SL Calf Raises – 3 x 12 x BW

    I filmed my last set of straight leg deadlifts because I know my knees aren’t perfect but they were better than I expected. Front squats are getting a little boost each time, 55kg feels good.

    7 Nov

    Rowing Machine – 2 x 1000m (4 mins) in 3:58, 3:59

    I wanted under 4 minutes and I was never in danger of failing. In the second rep I went through 500m in 1:56 and that was too fast so I struggled a bit in the end