Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEKS 90-94

    28 June

    Wrist Mobility, 2 sets
    Shoulder Mobility, 2 sets

    I have a handstand program from Tom Merrick that I wanted to do while I was away. I’m convinced that handstand is an almost essential skill when it comes to planche and I’ve seen people lower themselves into a straddle which is what I’d like to be able to do. His website is here

    29 June

    Handstand Warm up (1 set)
    Handstand Mobility (2 sets)

    Again from the Tom Merrick program, it involves things like first knuckle push ups, wrist rocks, wrist flexor/extensor stretches then some shoulder work adapted from Emmet Louis.

    3 July

    A1 L-Sit – 3 x 20 secs
    A2 Push ups – 3 x 10
    A3 Pull ups – 3 x 5
    Hammer Curls – 3 x 10 x 25lbs

    5 July

    Handstand warm up (1 set)
    A1 Wall assisted handstand – 30,30,25 secs
    A2 Reverse Table Top – 3 x 30 secs
    Hollow Body Hold – 3 x 20 secs

    8 July

    Handstand warm up (1 set)
    L-sit / Tucked L-Sit / Straddle – 4,4,5,4
    Pseudo Waistline Straddle Hold – 2 x 4 x 5 secs
    Slow scap push ups – 3 x 10

    10 July

    A1 L-sit – 3 x 20 secs
    A2 Slow pull ups – 3 x 5
    A3 V-sit ups – 3 x 12
    A4 Slow Scap push ups – 3 x 10

    B1 Hammer Curls – 3 x 10 x 25lbs
    B2 Pike Push ups – 3 x 6

    I had 8 exercises but I was using some outdoor equipment in a park for pull ups & L-sit, then coming back to the garden where someone loaned me a pair of 25lbs DB’s for the rest.

    15 July

    Handstand warm up (1 set)
    L-sit / Tucked L-sit / Tuck Push up – 4,4,4
    L-sit / Tucked L-sit / Double Tuck Push up – 2, 1
    L-sit / Tucked L-sit / Bent Arm Handstand – 4,3 (attempts, not successful)
    Dom Sky Beginner Abs – 1 circuit

    I’m really comfortable with the single tuck push up and if I’m to progress my strength I need to start repping it out. I also feel it’s good to spend time upside down for my handstand training so I tried a bent arm handstand on the parallettes, which was a bit of a mess.

    17 July

    A1 Hammer Curls – 3 x 10 x 25lbs
    A2 Pike push ups – 3 x 6

    B1 Slow pull ups – 3 x 5
    B2 L-Sit – 3 x 20 secs

    I like this because I can drop exercises when time is limited, as it was today.

    19 July

    Handstand warm up (1 set)
    Free handstand practice – 5 mins
    A1 Handstand kick ups – 3 x 10
    A2 Reverse Table Top – 3 x 30 secs
    Hollow Body Hold – 3 x 25 secs
    Handstand warm up (1 set)

    The warm up doubles as a cool down. I was looking at the progressions and I liked the sound of handstand kick ups. The goal is to fall an equal number of times forward (back to start position) and back (going too far). In general I’m scared of falling so I don’t kick up enough. I also learned to kick up in a split stance and bring the legs together having touched the wall. Enjoyable session.

    23 July

    A1 Cable Seated Row – 4 x 12 x ??
    A2 Lat Pulldown – 4 x 12 x ??
    B1 Cable Curl – 4 x 10 x ??
    B2 Slow push ups – 4 x 10
    Dom Sky Beginner Abs – 1 circuit

    This was a hotel gym which had unlabelled weights. There was such a limited choice of machines that suited my needs but I was happy to at least get something done.

    28 July

    Free handstand practice – 5 mins
    A1 Handstand kick ups – 2 x 10
    A2 Reverse table top – 2 x 30 secs

    I had to cut this session short, which was a shame because I really like this one and was able to do it on grass at a friend’s house.

    31 July

    Handstand warm up (1 set)
    A1 Slow pull ups – 3 x 5
    A2 L-sit – 3 x 20 secs
    A3 Slow Scap push ups – 3 x 11
    A4 V-sit ups – 3 x 15

    B1 Pike Push ups – 3 x 7
    B2 Hammer Curls – 2 x 10 x 25lbs
    B3 Arnold Press – 2 x 8 x 25lbs
    B4 Bicep Curl – 2 x 10 x 25lbs

    Nice to do the full session at least once, even if it should have been three sets of the second circuit.