Reply To: 2021 Training Log


    7 June

    Jefferson Curls – 8 x 5kg
    Reverse Nordics (band assist) – 2 x 10

    8 June

    Brisk walk – 32 mins
    Burpees – 60 in 6 mins

    These were challenges from a book I’m reading called AMRAP.

    9 June

    ATS – 3 x 4
    Patrick Step ups – 3 x 12 x 5kg
    ATG Split Squat – 3 x 10 x 17kg
    Nordic Curls – 3 x 8
    SL Calf Raise – 3 x 12 x BW

    I like this series and while I have limited time & gym access over summer I need to consider shorter workouts

    11 June

    Run – 5.38km in 31:28

    I tried running one direction for 15 mins then turning, ended up going too far.

    18 June

    Run – 5km in 26:54

    My wife had a freebie sachet of pre-workout which I necked before this run. It had 250mg caffeine which is a LOT for me. Probably reduced my RPE which is a big factor because I don’t really push myself in cardio.

    26 June

    Circuit: 10 push ups, 20 BW squats – 8 rounds

    Another challenge from the AMRAP book.

    I’m in Lithuania from 20 June to 12 August and I’m still in quarantine so can’t hit the public gym. I will do a short leg session this week to stay active.