Reply To: Full Planche (Oct 2019)


    WEEKS 82-85

    9 May

    L-Sit/Tuck planche/Tuck Pushup – 5 x 3
    L-Sit/Tuck planche/Straddle – 4,5,5
    Slow Scap Pushups – 3 x 12

    15 May

    L-Sit/Tuck planche/Tuck Pushup – 5 x 3
    L-Sit/Tuck planche/Straddle – 2 x 4
    Slow Scap Pushups – 3 x 10

    18 May

    Arnold Press – 3 x 8 x 8.5kg
    Slow Pull ups – 3 x 5
    Pike Pushups – 3 x 6
    EZ Bar Curls – 3 x 8 x 21.5kg
    Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 5
    Slow Pushups – 3 x 10
    DB Hammer Curls – 3 x 8 x 8.5kg
    V-Situps – 3 x 10

    I had ~30 secs rest between each exercise. I introduced a few slower exercises, my feeling is that isometric holds require stability and so rushing through reps of pull ups isn’t that helpful, you need strength through the whole range of motion.

    23 May

    L-Sit/Tuck Planche/Tuck pushup – 4,4,3,3,2
    Pseudo Waistline Straddle Lowers – 5
    Pseudo Waistline Straddle Hold – 2 x 4 x 5 secs
    Slow Straddle PPPu – 3 x 2

    I mixed up my session, getting a bit disheartened and how little progress I’m seemingly making.

    26 May

    Arnold Press – 8,10,10 x 8.5kg
    Slow Pull ups – 3 x 5
    Pike Pushups – 3 x 6
    EZ Bar Curls – 3 x 9 x 21.5kg
    Hanging Toes to Bar – 3 x 5
    Slow Pushups – 3 x 10
    DB Hammer Curls – 3 x 9 x 8.5kg
    V-Situps – 3 x 12

    Next week I won’t have any time to gym so I’ll pick this up in June