Reply To: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020)


    WEEK 9

    22 Feb

    Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
    Pogo Jumps – 5 x 20 secs
    Wall Drill – 2 x 6
    Arm Drill – 3 x 10
    Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
    Broad Jumps – 6, best of 2.48m
    A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 3 x 5
    A2 Mechanics Primer – 3 x 4
    2 step 2 footed jumps – 6 per side

    I removed the ziani leg lift so that I could do the Wall/Arm drills between sets of pogo jumps. I brought in two jumping drills from Vert Code Elite phase 1 instead of my approach jumps and pop ups. These felt so much better and the main focus is on a big penultimate step and for the primer it’s about arm swing.

    23 Feb

    Concentric-only Deadlift – 60,90,100,110,120,130,140kg
    CMJ – 2 x 4
    Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15 x 60kg
    Overhead Squat – 4 x 5 x 20kg
    A1 BB Drach RLESS – 3 x 6 x 26kg
    A2 Split Jumps – 3 x 10
    Nordic Curls – 2 x 6
    Ab Ripper X – Half of each set

    I used to do a concentric-only deadlift (drop from the top) prior to rugby training and I’d feel amazing having maximally recruited my muscles without much fatigue. It didn’t really work out here so I won’t be repeating that. Two programs had an overhead squat in, mainly for flexibility, and Drach RLESS is straight from Vert Code Elite Phase 3. I superset with split jumps, then realised that the RLESS are explosive too so it’s not really that complex training pairing of heavy and then fast. I said in month 1 I might put in ab ripper x and I have done, but I eased in knowing I’ll otherwise be sore for days.

    25 Feb

    Resistance Band Dorsiflexion – 2 x 15
    Pogo Jumps – 5 x 20 secs
    Wall Drill – 2 x 6
    Arm Drill – 3 x 10
    Plank/Plyo/Speed Skater Combo – 3 sets
    Broad Jumps – 6, best of 2.52m
    A1 Penultimate Acceleration – 3 x 5
    A2 Mechanics Primer – 3 x 4
    2 step 2 footed jumps – 7 per side

    Best I’ve jumped this year in broad jump. I put in an extra 2 footed jump after getting feedback on my jump volume, I’ll add more on Mondays too.

    26 Feb

    Patrick Step Up – 2 x 10 x 60kg
    Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) – 3 x 6 x 20kg
    Floor to Ceiling Jumps – 3 x 8
    DB SLRDL – 3 x 6 x 10kg
    Sissy Squats – 20,19,14 (max reps)
    Seated Calf Raise – 15 x 20kg, 15 x 30kg
    Ab Ripper X – complete

    The hip raise is mainly for glute activation, floor to ceiling jumps are just jumps for height but touching the floor each rep. I did a body-weight leg program once and loved sissy squats so they go in, I’m not sure about going to failure in a jump program but we’ll see how it goes. Ab ripper X was every bit as horrible as I remember.

    28 Feb

    Rowing Machine – 4 x 500m in 1:58-2:08
    7 stretches from Supple Leopard

    I went quite aggressive with the pace last week so wanted to dial it back.

    Here are some overhead squats