Reply To: Custom Jump Program (Nov 2020)


    Edit: Between Dec and Feb my jumps were off by 1-2cm, these have been corrected.

    Preparation – Week 2

    30 Nov

    7 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard
    Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs

    I’ve moved the soleus stretch with all the others.

    2 Dec

    Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
    Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
    CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 54cm/21.25″
    DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 2.5kg
    Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 4
    Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
    Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 20 secs

    Much better structure to this workout. I could tell how rusty I was when trying a CMJ so I’m not bothered by the (lack of) height. I retained my strength for nordics quite well which was pleasing.

    4 Dec

    4 Stretches from Becoming a Supple Leopard
    Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs

    I skipped a few as I was short on time.

    5 Dec

    Around The Square (Vert Shock) – 3 x 4
    Patrick Step Up – 2 x 15
    CMJ – 5 jumps, best of 58cm/22.8″
    DB KoT Lunge – 3 x 10 x 5kg
    Assisted Nordic Curls – 3 x 5
    Tibialis Raise – 25 reps
    Copenhagen Plank – 2 x 25 secs

    My legs didn’t feel that sore after the last session so I’m going to start adding reps/weight where possible. It feels like I could add in 1-2 more exercises so I’ll have a think about what’s missing. It could be that I go to the courts next week (weather permitting) and see where my running vert is at.