Reply To: Vert Code Elite (Feb 2020)


    WEEK 24

    6 Aug

    Single Step Accel – 3 sets
    Diagonal Step/Bound – 4 sets
    Skip Bounds – 4 sets
    Practice Jumps – 12 total, not measured
    Triple CC – 4 sets, 145kg Hex DL
    Deficit RLESS – 3 sets
    Agility Drill – 3 sets

    I don’t seem to jump well on Day 1 with only 48 hours rest so I didn’t bother measuring my practice jumps. The session as a whole felt very good.

    7 Aug

    Hip/Hamstring Superset
    Ab/Hip Superset
    Lower Abs – 3 sets
    Lower Back – 2 sets

    9 Aug

    Sprint – 6 x 54m in 9.00, 8.37, 7.96, 7.79, 7.82
    Speed Hops – 4 x 20m per leg
    Broad Jump to Bound – 3 sets
    Speed Skater Variation – 2 sets
    Hurdle Jumps – 6 sets
    Ankle Stiffness – 4 sets
    Hamstring ISO – 3 sets

    Good sprints on a nice dry road. These are a good 0.3-0.4 seconds faster than when I did them in phase 2 which has given me a lot of confidence.

    Instead of a deload (skipping week 1 days 1 & 2) I did them, but I’m now happy to say that’s the end of phase 6 and to not finish off with week 4 days 4 & 5. I had a sports massage on the 10th and she identified my groin/hip tightness as my vastus lateralis quad muscle being very tight. She also noted I had slightly collapsed arches, I was already in the process of fixing these with barefoot walking but that’s encouraged me to get it sorted even quicker, because that can put pressure on the ankle and the Achilles.

    Overall while I was pleased with phase 6 my body was really fighting against me and I need to spend more time addressing imbalances and staying on top of mobility work. She said that I’m quite flexible which can actually be detrimental to noticing the condition of muscles, because if I can e.g. touch my toes then in my head it means my hamstrings aren’t tight, but they were.

    I need 48-72 hours after the massage to let everything settle down and then I can re-test my vert and immediately follow it with the first session of phase 7. She found a whole load of tightness in my outer quads so with that fixed I’m excited to see how I feel after a rest.

    Here are a few from day 1