Reply To: 2010 Training Log


    Feb 2 PM

    Bench Press
    8 x 78.5kg
    2 x 6 x 85.2kg

    Feb 4 PM

    DB Arm Swings
    3 x 40 x 2.5kg per hand

    Explosive Press Ups
    3 x 8

    Stiff Legged Deadlift
    2 x 12 x 113kg

    3 x 4 x 122kg fast

    Feb 11 AM

    DB Arm Swings
    3 x 40 x 2.5kg per hand

    Explosive Press Ups
    3 x 8

    Stiff Legged Deadlift
    2 x 12 x 113kg

    3 x 4 x 122kg fast

    Feb 14 PM

    Clean Pulls
    3 x 7 x 72kg

    Back Squat (41cm box)
    3 x 8 x 108.5kg

    Bench Press
    3 x 8 x 78.5kg fast

    Feb 17 PM

    Race – 7.55

    It pains me to type that, I am so annoyed at myself. Granted I didn’t reduce my training load because it was a minor competition and I want to peak for counties, but to run my slowest time of the year on a fast track like that is infuriating. I got out ‘ok’, transitioned ‘ok’, and then had a complete absence of a top speed, and everyone just glided away from me. To make it worse there was a false start and I got out like a bullet the first time. The warm up area was too short to do a top speed run so I guess it was just a nasty surprise that I had no top speed to hit.

    Back Squats
    7 x 108.5kg
    7 x 113kg
    3 x 7 x 117.5kg
    11 x 108.5kg

    Feb 20 AM

    Clean Pulls
    3 x 7 x 72kg

    ISO Hamstring Hold
    3 x 15 secs

    Bench Press
    3 x 6 x 81kg fast

    Feb 23 AM/PM

    Donkey Kicks
    2 x 20 x 2.5kg

    Seated Abduction
    2 x 20

    Bench Press
    8 x 78.5kg
    2 x 5 x 87.5kg

    Feb 25 AM/PM

    Stiff Legged Deadlifts
    2 x 12 x 113kg

    Back Squats
    2 x 5 x 117.5kg

    Explosive Press Ups
    2 x 8

    Running Arms
    3 x 40

    Feb 27 PM

    Clean Pulls
    3 x 7 x 72kg

    ISO HS Hold
    3 x 15 secs

    Bench Press
    3 x 7 x 81kg